Liars disgust me. And David Marshall flat out lied about my work on public radio. He should be ashamed. But Christian apologists rarely are. They lie with impunity. The ten commandments be damned. Today I’ll briefly discuss that show, then detail what’s...
This week I debated whether Hitler was really a Christian, on London radio, with historian Richard Weikart of the Discovery Institute, hosted by Justin Brierley. I’ve been on Brierley’s Unbelievable? show before. Last time I was literally in London so I...
This Thursday (April 2), tune in to hear me debate whether Jesus existed with Pastor Vocab Malone (from Urban Theologian Radio). You can then ask questions and get answers in almost real time! Tune in to Unbelievers Radio by 3pm PCT to get hear it go down and get in...
I have a lot going on in April! I’ll be speaking, answering questions, selling & signing books, and hanging out for drinks and conversation at various venues you can get in on. I’ll blog about the second half of April in a week or two. But here’s...
I’ll be on on “The Alan Eisenberg Show” on WRJN on Sunday the 5th of October (2014) at 8pm CST. Details here. We’ll be discussing my new book On the Historicity of Jesus.
Chris Combs and Daniel Port interviewed me recently on my life and work, as well as my thoughts about cinema as an art medium and on specific films they asked about because they were my recommendations in my video store (like Pulp Fiction, the Cohen Brothers, my taste...
One of the many things I did when I was in England was go on a radio show that then aired in London just this last weekend (Saturday, December 15th, 2012), called Unbelievable with Justin Brierley, for Premiere Christian Radio. There, I had a cordial and informal...
In January (as announced beforehand) I debated the question “Jesus: Man, Myth, or Messiah?” with Douglas Jacoby at Amador Christian Center in the beautiful Sacramento hills. And the audio of that debate used to be available (it has since been deleted). Ben...
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About the Author
Richard Carrier is the author of many books and numerous articles online and in print. His avid readers span the world from Hong Kong to Poland. With a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University, he specializes in the modern philosophy of naturalism and humanism, and the origins of Christianity and the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, with particular expertise in ancient philosophy, science and technology. He is also a noted defender of scientific and moral realism, Bayesian reasoning, and historical methods.