Comments on: Trump-Vance vs. Harris-Walz: Comparing Their Official Policy Platforms (Part 1) Announcing appearances, publications, and analysis of questions historical, philosophical, and political by author, philosopher, and historian Richard Carrier. Wed, 02 Oct 2024 20:24:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Wolfe Wed, 02 Oct 2024 20:24:12 +0000 In reply to ncmncm.

And incredibly, somehow, without an immigration bill, the Biden administration has managed to significantly stem the flow of illegal immigration…6 months before the election.

By: ncmncm Wed, 02 Oct 2024 18:38:29 +0000 In reply to Roy Wolfe.

This appears to be the “Kamala was Border Czar, why is there still a problem?” talking point. But in the US we do not have Czars, we have laws. The solution to the border problem was the bi-partisan immigration bill that was before Congress, that Trump ordered his lackeys in the House to axe so that he would have something left to blame on Biden, so here we are. Maybe if Congress flips, a bill can be passed come January.

By: Roy Wolfe Tue, 01 Oct 2024 14:00:05 +0000 I must have missed the immigration policy scoring, the ONE thing she was supposedly in charge of. As you said, “a President can only be evaluated based on actionable policies”

By: ncmncm Tue, 01 Oct 2024 02:16:16 +0000 Ultimately, there is only one criterion for this election. Trump has promised to eliminate our “need” to vote for a president, and to make himself a dictator immediately upon his swearing in. So, this election amounts to a referendum on democracy itself: shall we continue representative government, or be ruled by a succession of self-chosen autocrats? While it might be possible to maintain democratic institutions against him and his enthusiasts’ efforts, I cannot risk that. Any differences I might have with his opponents’ policies pale under the question of whether my vote will ever count again.

By: Richard Carrier Mon, 30 Sep 2024 23:39:48 +0000 In reply to Bill Kennedy.

I’m assuming you are being disingenuous.

You seem unaware of the fact that neither Harris nor Walz enjoyed any such career path.

Walz worked in a tanning bed factory out of high school, was career military for over two decades, went to state colleges, and worked years as a school teacher and coach, until he only went to Washington when he was hired by millions of people to represent them there. He never held any White House internship nor moved to Prague.

Harris worked her way through college in menial factory-like jobs until completing a law degree (attending no elite schools) and working as a lawyer and public prosecutor, and worked her way up to district attorney and then state Attorney General, until she only went to Washington when she was hired by millions of people to represent themselves there. She has never held any White House internship. She has never lived in Prague. And she did all that being a woman, Asian, and Black.

So, clearly, you need a reality adjustment.

And then there’s your strange wingeing about American factories.

“I hate hard work” and “I hate modern industrial manufacturing” is eyerollingly ironic for someone typing this on a computer manufactured in a factory and transmitting it through an internet manufactured in a factory—and probably neither factory as well run or safe as an American factory.

You depend on factory labor. If you think it is ill-treated, support the Harris-Walz plans to strengthen unions, elect representatives who will ensure safety code violations are better policed, and signal-boost public awareness programs promoting shorter workweeks and better labor conditions.

Don’t sit on your couch and whine. Be a useful citizen and vote for an incrementally better world—and certainly vote against it becoming worse. If you think your complaints matter, that is the only rational choice for you. Otherwise you prove by your actions that you don’t really care about factory conditions. Prove you care. Speak and vote the gradual path to bettering them.

By: Richard Carrier Mon, 30 Sep 2024 23:24:52 +0000 In reply to clubschadenfreude.

I’ll mention that in Part 2, although they have publicly “disavowed” that in place of Agenda 47. Obviously you need not believe them (their claim is dubious). But the objective of the present study is to only consider the platform they have publicly affirmed to be theirs. So that’s the only one that pertains here.

By: Ramey Douglas Mon, 30 Sep 2024 22:58:50 +0000 Great analysis I totally agree. After 8 years all tRump can come up with is a concept of a health care plan.

By: Bill Kennedy Mon, 30 Sep 2024 22:39:17 +0000 Can someone explain why Democrats are eager to bring back those god-awful jobs to America? I’ve worked in four factories, and they all sucked. Unless you’re the plant manager or an engineer, you’d be a fool to want those jobs. Those American hippies who move to Prague to play acoustic guitar in random coffee shops (like one of my undergrad friends did) have a better life than many of those who do manual labor in factories. You’re not going to lose an arm picking the G-string at open mic in a land-locked European country, but I know from experience that even in Ohio, many factories have utter shit safety standards. You have people like the Paul brothers (Logan and Jake) who made millions just uploading YouTube videos and celebrity boxing. Ironically, the same Democrat politicians who want (mostly white) Americans to go back to factory work are the same ones who went to law school and graduate school and got internships at the White House when they were fresh out of undergrad.

By: clubschadenfreude Mon, 30 Sep 2024 20:57:47 +0000 IMO, we have quite a few specifics on what trump and his controllers will do, it’s called Project 2025.
