Comments on: The Evolution of Awe vs. The Aesthetic Argument for God Announcing appearances, publications, and analysis of questions historical, philosophical, and political by author, philosopher, and historian Richard Carrier. Sat, 15 Feb 2025 14:54:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mario Marrufo Fri, 14 Feb 2025 22:35:28 +0000 In reply to Richard Carrier.

I do believe you are delusional…

Dr. Carrier, always the romantic, correcting someone on Valentine’s day… I do not want us to get hung up on why you used a particular figure of speech! The fact is that you used it! “Believing” shit is something the ego participates in, and then takes all the credit for, like it’s a big deal, like believing shit is something to take credit for. It’s a participation trophy for the ego, in effect… This person may be delusional in certain of their “conclusions,” but, indeed, there is something very sane about perceiving one’s own thoughts as temporary, as “flowing down a river.” in my experience, this is something that takes a lot of work, a lot of practice. It’s something you have to “achieve.” calling it “relatively harmless,” though accurate in many ways, does seem to be “damning with faint praise.” 👀

Hallenberg: to be remembered in the minds (the natural thought patterns, the natural patterns of activity of the human brain) of those who survive us… Well, idk about you, but that’s MORE of an “afterlife” than I feel like I could “ask” for! (who would I ask? 😅)

By: Richard Carrier Fri, 14 Feb 2025 21:29:53 +0000 In reply to hallenberg2005.

I do believe you are delusional.

But your delusion appears to be relatively harmless.

Your conclusions don’t follow from the evidence presented. And they are contradicted by a great deal of evidence, as I already survey in Sense and Goodness without God but also here on my blog (such as under the drop-down categories of “mind” and “supernatural”).

By: hallenberg2005 Fri, 14 Feb 2025 18:44:04 +0000 Richard, I am 83 years old and was a forestry major. I have a simple thesis:

We have one soul, but of two parts. The lower is our everyday life(time) and the upper is eternity.

My goal in life (especially at my age) is to reach my upper soul where God is waiting. I try daily through the method of “centering prayer” in silence, after letting my mental thoughts flow down the river, so to speak, allowing the Presence to enter. As a result I honestly feel I experience Divinity most of the times I try and the feeling stays with me-Now, today, tomorrow,etc. My “aha” moment was reading a book about Meister Eckhart(Joel Harrington 2018?). We must ignite the spark(intuitive awareness) in our soul which I believe is the divine imagine in all of us in order for union.

This is not a got-you-question. I have ask for constructive criticism from 3 other bloggers, who all say,”I liked your comment.” The process theology of Whitehead’s doesn’t address afterlife. I like David Bentely Hart’s “Universalism”, David Nicole and David Armstrong sub stacks. Finally, Carl Jung’s definition that there is a God is the best and my premise as well!

In one of your future essay please address the above. P.S. I live smack dab in the Bible Belt-The Scopes trial of 1925 was in Dayton, Tn. 100 years ago and religious wise not much has changed. It was the first national radio broadcast. We live just 25 miles from Dayton.

Lastly, I don’t believe in inerrancy nor moral certainty, but rather I am a believer in mysticism.

