For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are indeed false, now see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018.


All the allegations made public against me this month are in significant part false and constitute defamation. I will be fighting them, in both a court of law and public evidence and discourse. I will apologize for anything I actually did, if I haven’t already, but what I have actually done is not what is being described. I am fully engaged in taking legal action now. When stage one of that process is completed I will publish more about the truth of what is going on. Which is substantially different from what you are being told.

But I do not want FreethoughtBlogs or its mission to be compromised by having to devote resources to defending me or vetting claims or choosing sides. They have every reason to be concerned by prima facie claims of this nature, and I agree with their procedures to date, except for publishing defamatory statements about me before investigating any of them. They are actually not equipped to investigate these claims to determine which elements of them are true and which false. Others can. In fact I always welcome professional, independent investigations of any claim made against me, now or in future.

One such investigation, at the behest of the Secular Student Alliance, is underway and nearly completed. But FreethoughtBlogs lacks the resources for such a task itself and should be independent of this matter until the facts come to light. I have therefore decided it’s best for me to move my blog content to my own domain where I can operate independently and take all the heat myself, now and in future. Accordingly I have moved my blog here to my own website.

I will not be discussing this matter in public again until the first stage of my legal action is completed. My next announcement will be published here and via twitter.


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