Psychology Today: Lame Shill for Medieval Godist Dribble

Wow. Holy Archons of the Ancient Aeons. I just found out that in 2011 the online edition of Psychology Today published an article arguing Thomas Aquinas proved God exists and science can go stuff it. Called “The Scientific Atheism Fallacy: How Science Declares...

How the Right and the Left Nuked Atheism Plus

Though I rarely have time, I occasionally check out what’s being produced in atheism. And thus I went on a binge of Noel Plum videos recently. My entryway was researching what happened to The Atheist Conference, which collapsed almost as soon as its planning began,...

Feser Still Can’t Read

Feser keeps trying. And keeps failing. Indeed, he is now making things worse, by demonstrating he doesn’t even understand what is going on here. To catch you up: I wrote a critique of his book. He wrote a reply. I wrote a response to that reply showing how he...

Feser Can’t Read (and Other Astonishing Facts)

I had a good laugh when Feser fans claimed he “destroyed” my critique this week, and at first thought, “Oh gosh, did I get something wrong I need to correct?” And then I read his reply. Face, meet palm. Holy cow. His response is wildly inept....

Superstring Theory as Metaphysical Atheism

My last article refuting Feser’s armchair metaphysical arguments for God briefly asserted that modern scientific Superstring Theory actually answers all his requirements for a godless substrate for all reality, and answers the Principle of Sufficient Reason, and...

Feser’s Five Proofs of the Existence of God: Debunked!

I just completed a three-part series exposing the laughable science illiteracy of Alvin Plantinga’s “Two Dozen or So” arguments for God. I’ve now had several requests to take on Edward Feser’s Five Proofs of the Existence of God (2017)....

Eight Philosophical Questions We’ll Never Solve?

Years back George Dvorsky wrote a popular article at io9 titled “8 Great Philosophical Questions We’ll Never Solve.” It’s interesting because all eight are triggers for the same cognitive biases sustaining irrational theistic belief. Is it true...

Last Minute Christmas Shopping? Check Out My New Amazon Store!

Amazon eliminated its astore feature. But I’m still an Amazon Associate. So here I am, recommending a whole slew of books for commissions on the sale if I can tempt you to buy any! I’ve built my own stores. Smaller. A lot fewer books listed. But the core...

My Debate with Ray Comfort: Can Moral Facts Exist without a God?

Last Saturday, I was recruited to live-debate Ray Comfort on Facebook. That’s right. The banana man himself. Warlock to Kirk Cameron’s imp. Mr. “Everyone Is an Adulterer” (including Mother Theresa and that unborn fetus over there). Topic? “Can...

MythCon IV: What Organizers & Outreach Directors Need to Know

This fourth Mythinformation Con was fascinating, and overall quite excellent, even when it was disturbingly bizarre (video here). Most readers might want to know my take on the strange hour and a half of anti-feminist cult leader Sargon of Akkad battling feminist...

Why Mythicist Milwaukee Is Right and Their Critics Wrong

I’m seeing way too much fascism and irrationality on the left these days. Particularly in atheism now. We have enough of it on the right. We don’t need the left doing it too. And mind you, I am a leftist. I fully support reasonable socialism, to check and balance the...