Formalized Gullibility as a Modern Christian Methodology

In my debate with Craig Evans, one of the strange arguments he attempted was the Argument from Verisimilitude, whereby he says we should believe any story that’s dressed up in a realistic background. In my original Analysis of the Carrier-Evans Debate, I...

Shaun Skills: How to Learn from Exemplary Cases

Shaun is a YouTube critic who composes a lot of excellent videos critiquing various other YouTube content, from social commentators to entertainment media. He does a good job of summarizing, fact-checking, logic-vetting, and illustrating his finds in the video medium....

Piñero Returns

Para una edición en español del siguiente artículo, consulte El regreso de Piñero. -:- Last month I found serious faults in Antonio Piñero’s mistreatment of my book On the Historicity of Jesus and its thesis, including his lack of basic knowledge in subjects...

Antonio Piñero: Raving Historicist

Para una edición en español del siguiente artículo, consulte Antonio Piñero: El historicista vehemente at Mitos o Historia. -:- Antonio Piñero is sort of the Bart Ehrman of the Spanish-speaking world. He has made a public spectacle of attacking Jesus mythicism and...

Study How to Critically Assess Claims about History with Me!

Want to know how historians vet claims, and how we tell the difference between true and false, probable and improbable? Have some challenges in this regard to pose to me? This is the course for you! Details on how to register and take the course are below. (I also...

Naturalism Is Not an Axiom of the Sciences but a Conclusion of Them

I recently found an article from 2011 making a point I’ve long made myself, that the entire notion of a “presumption of naturalism” being axiomatic to history and the sciences is both an error made by some historians and scientists and an apologetic...

Kamil Gregor on the Historicity of Jesus

An interesting video discussion of On the Historicity of Jesus took place earlier this year, in which “Kamil Gregor and Joel Pearson discuss the Historicity of Jesus.” It’s well worth a reply. Because Gregor understands the math. So what he gets...

There’s No Evidence for Trajan, Hadrian, or Pius?

Holy balls. Yep. A dude actually said this. Just recently, a Godfearing San Diegan by the name of Francesco Scinico (credentials unknown but probably non-existent) Tweeted: “There’s no contemporary historical evidence for Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus...

Spencer Alexander McDaniel on the Historicity of Jesus

A patron has hired me to write a response to an article by an undergraduate “studying the classics at Indiana University Bloomington” called “Was Jesus a Historical Figure?” on her expansive website Tales of Times Forgotten. Her name is Spencer...

Learn How to Better Assess Claims about History!

This March is your chance to improve your skills at critically evaluating claims about history. Please join us and learn about historical methods and the logic of historical reasoning! Especially if you want to study the question of whether Jesus existed more acutely....