Cristian Tolsa’s Review of The Scientist in the Early Roman Empire

Cristian Tolsa, an Osnabrück postdoc fellow, wrote a brief review of my book The Scientist in the Early Roman Empire that inspires me to clarify some things that I wonder at their getting wrong, getting wrong what’s actually in the book and what it actually...

Did Jesus Exist? Craig Evans’ Post-Debate Analysis

I debated the historicity of Jesus with the renowned Christian scholar Craig Evans back in 2016, and later analyzed that debate. But I didn’t notice Evans’ own post-debate analysis in the Christian Research Journal, nor its republication online years later...

Yes, the Dark Ages Really Were a Thing

There is a trend to try and deny the Dark Ages ever existed; even to portray them as really lovely, light and wonderful ages of goodness and achievement. I’m exaggerating. But only a little. I’ve debunked this a lot. I have a whole category assigned to the...

There’s No Evidence for Trajan, Hadrian, or Pius?

Holy balls. Yep. A dude actually said this. Just recently, a Godfearing San Diegan by the name of Francesco Scinico (credentials unknown but probably non-existent) Tweeted: “There’s no contemporary historical evidence for Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus...

Spencer Alexander McDaniel on the Historicity of Jesus

A patron has hired me to write a response to an article by an undergraduate “studying the classics at Indiana University Bloomington” called “Was Jesus a Historical Figure?” on her expansive website Tales of Times Forgotten. Her name is Spencer...

No, Tom Holland, It Wasn’t Christian Values That Saved the West

Novelist Tom Holland just wrote an article for The Spectator titled “Thank God for Western Values,” declaring the “debt of the West to Christianity is more deeply rooted than many might presume.” Everything he says is false. The Back Story...

Resurrection: Faith or Fact? My Bonus Reply

I contributed a chapter to a great new book that was just released, a book I dare say is required reading for anyone who wants to be up-to-date on the “Did Jesus rise from the dead?” debate. It pits atheist professor Carl Stecher against Christian...

The New Gathercole Article on Jesus Certainly Existing

Simon Gathercole gained infamy writing a really atrocious, face-palmingly bad article on the historicity of Jesus for The Guardian some years back. Which I took to task in 2017 (in The Guardian on Jesus). He has now published a proper, peer reviewed article on the...

Hitler’s Table Talk: Another Update

There’s more news about Hitler! In 2016 I published an update on the saga of Hitler’s Table Talk and its fraudulent or questionable quotations making him out to be an atheist that he wasn’t. That 2016 article contains the background explaining my...

Catholic Apologist Eats Own Foot: Film at Eleven

One of the most insurmountable errors in the Bible, being both a historical inaccuracy and a contradiction, is the conflicting dates given to the birth of Jesus in Matthew and Luke. This goof is so terrifying to Christians they have destroyed hundreds of trees and...

From Raised to Revenants in the Ancient World

In honor of Halloween, here is a fun and informative sample of some weird things said and believed about the risen dead in the ancient world. Rising from the Dead? Always Creepy Tons of heroes, superheroes, gods, and lucky lads rose from the dead in ancient pagan...