Audio & Video
Featuring Dr. Carrier

Almost all the books I have authored myself are available in Audible format (and those not yet there I am working on). Besides that there are many recordings floating around of my talks, debates, interviews and appearances, some available, some not available, some free on YouTube, some sold by third parties, and some lost altogether. Generally you have to just search YouTube to find them. I don't maintain a channel or catalog of them. I've discussed only some of these on my blog. See the collected entries there on video [old and new] and audio [old and new] including podcasts.

But these are some of the best available audio and video recordings...

For Purchase

The God Who Wasn't There (2005). I'm featured only a few times in the main film (including a spot during the credits), but the DVD extras also include extended interviews that many have loved. For more of my thoughts on the film see my blog.


Marketing the Messiah (2020). Tagline, "The greatest story ever told...RE-told." I'm featured a lot, along with many other experts, in this entertaining and educational account of early Christianity that challenges popular assumptions with mainstream scholarship.


The Nature of Existence (2009). Roger Nygard (of Trekkies fame) travels the world to discover the meaning of existence. I'm among those he interviews, albeit briefly. You can find more footage of me (and others) scattered about in his companion series.


What Matters (2011). Documents a Christian and an atheist and their friend who travel the world exploring why no one gives a damn about world poverty, and what we could do about it. I'm among those interviewed.


Crucifixion Quake (2020). "Geologist goes on a 20 year quest to determine if the physical events reported on the day of the Crucifixion happened as narrated." I'm among those he interviews. You can read my review here.


Batman & Jesus (2017). A fun take on comparing canonization of Jesus with canonization of Batman. Illustrates the nature of mythologization, and how easy it would have been to insist batman was historical. I'm among those interviewed.


For Free

Richard Carrier on Think for Yourself! (2024). An extended interview on my thoughts about the historicity of Jesus with segue-aways on such things as how modern Christians are willfully worshipping the Antichrist.

Is Philosophy Stupid? (2013): Talk I gave at Skepticon VI, one of my favorites, a thorough take-down of the argument heard from both science and the humanities, that philosophy is useless, makes no progress, and produces no important knowledge.

Bible Study (or Taking the Bible Seriously as Fiction: A Read-Along) (2014): Sunday morning over a bottle of fine scotch I rambled humorously on weird things in the New Testament and how to read the Bible as a literary work and not as literally true. Drunk history, Bible style.

The Gospel According to Richard Carrier (2018). A short interview on my thoughts about the historicity of Jesus with a focus on the formation and purpose of the Gospels.

Bayes' Theorem: Lust for Glory! (2011): Talk I gave at Skepticon IV, not bad attempt at summarizing and illustrating Bayes' Theorem and its implications.

Miracles & Historical Method (2012): Talk I gave at Skepticon V, on how to reason skeptically and critically about history, and what it is that historians do, using ancient history and miracles as a fun set of examples.

Did Jesus Even Exist? (2015): A good quality video edition of a basic summary of my findings in On the Historicity of Jesus, a talk given for my major donors to the project at Atheists United, which for me was a lovely cap to the whole six year research program.

Christianity without Jesus (2015): A good quality audio edition (the video is adequate) of a different aspect of the same topic, presented at PAStAHcon (the Pennsylvania State Atheist & Humanist Convention). This time I just assume it's a given that Jesus didn't exist, and answer the question instead of how and why Christianity originated without him.

Are Christians Delusional? (2010): Talk I gave at Skepticon III, one of my best yet, summarizing and illustrating the conclusions of The Christian Delusion, with Q&A. Though I subsequently qualified some of its approach in my article Problems with the Mental Illness Model of Religion.

Give a Damn? Uncut (2008): The full uncut interview I gave for the team producing the innovative documentary Give a Damn? on how (or even whether) we should fight world hunger. They shot an hour of footage, and it best exemplifies what a sitdown Q&A with me is like.

You're All Gonna Die! How the Jews Kept Failing to Predict Doomsday and Caused Christianity Instead (2011): On May 21 of 2011 the world was predicted to end. It didn't. On that very day I gave a talk in Wisconsin on where this idea of doomsday came from and how the very idea of it caused the origin of Christianity. The accompanying slideshow is available online as a PDF (lacking the animations).

Why Science Is Better than Religion and Always Has Been (2008): Talk I gave at a humorous conference (the seminal Skepticon) in which PZ Myers and I were the featured speakers. YouTube video of the event is available along with our joint Q&A. I discuss the content of this on my blog.

So...If Jesus Didn't Exist, Where Did He Come from Then? (2012): My very brief summary of the best case to be made that Jesus didn't exist and why it is more plausible than usually assumed. Only an introduction to the concept, not a comprehensive case. Establishes the framework of the debate. The accompanying slideshow is available online as a PDF (lacking the animations).

Licona vs. Carrier: On the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In my opinion the best debate on the resurrection I've ever done or seen. Many agreed. Thorough, well-organized exchange. We also had an interesting rematch in 2010.

Does God Not Exist? [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] (2004): Famous four-way team debate before an audience of a thousand Muslims. Dan Barker and I defend atheism and naturalism, Hassanain Rajabali and Michael Corey defend God. A free edit is available on YouTube. I discuss and analyze this debate in detail, exposing serious errors or deceptions of our opponents, on The Secular Web.


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