Bernardo Kastrup’s Attempt to Bootstrap Idealism

It astonishes me that anyone can still get articles through peer review defending the dead philosophy of Idealism. As I documented before in my series testing the standards in academic philosophy, the field’s reliability is not that great. Which is inexcusable....

Michael Alter’s Exemplary Review of Undesigned Coincidences

The Argument from Undesigned Coincidences is a naive Christian apologetic invented in the 19th century but revived recently by apologist Lydia McGrew, which ignores all historical knowledge of the redaction history of the Gospels to argue that, instead of the authors...

Touch, All the Way Down: Qualia as Computational Discrimination

Today I am going to offer a naturalist theory of qualia—the particulars of “what it is like” of conscious experience, like the redness of red or the floweriness of a flower’s scent or the twanginess of a guitar, or even what love or fear, or...

Theism, Naturalism, and Explanatory Power

Last week I published an eristic analysis of an exchange of videos between Rationality Rules and Capturing Christianity, on Which Is ‘Rational’: Theism or Atheism? This time I will analyze a previous Capturing Christianity video, “Why Theism Best...

Which Is ‘Rational’: Theism or Atheism?

Of course, atheism. But in any debate with the deluded, they will claim it’s the other way around. Flat Earthers will claim the rest of us are deluded, that believing in a spherical Earth is irrational, and so on. So someone not already up to speed might not be...

Did the Rapture Already Happen!? No. Nor Will It Ever.

“Truly I tell you, this generation shall certainly not pass away until all these things have happened,” we’re told the Lord said, “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with...

Is This Possible!? Giving an Amazon Sales Event a Try

I don’t imagine this is possible, but I was curious enough to try: if I can generate $1500 in sales through my Amazon Associates link, they will give me a “bonus” of $45. A whole forty-five dollars! In addition to my usual commissions on those sales...

A Golden Example of Antichoicers Lying to Your Face

Just this week a student in one of my online classes answered a test question with a real-world example of trying to manipulate people using numbers and graphs, which they had to debunk. The example they chose (from the course text, Levitin’s Field Guide to...

We Have a Home!

Thank you to everyone who donated or brought me paying work to help us make closing costs on a new home. I appreciate everyone’s support. Our timeline was tight but we did it. Our rental home being sold, we had to vacate by end of this month. But we closed on a...

You Know They’re a [Good|Lousy] Philosopher If…

I’ve been working in the field of philosophy for decades. It has literally been my religion. I spent half my life researching it and developing my own comprehensive, coherent, evidence-based philosophy, which became my 2005 book Sense and Goodness without God: A...