All I Want for Christmas: More Patreon or PayPal Patrons!

I hope to produce more articles and debates in philosophy, history, society, and religion throughout 2019. What keeps me dedicated to carefully writing four substantive articles a month, solid enough to be citable references you can refer people to or improve your...

Was the Long Ending of Mark Original? Sheffield’s Second Response

Anglican scholar Jonathan Sheffield and I are debating whether the “long ending” of the Gospel of Mark (or “LE,” verses 16:9-20) is authentic or interpolated. For essential reading and references on the subject see chapter sixteen of Hitler...

Was the Long Ending of Mark Original? Second Reply

Anglican scholar Jonathan Sheffield and I are debating whether the “long ending” of the Gospel of Mark (verses 16:9-20) is authentic or interpolated. For essential reading and references on the subject see chapter sixteen of Hitler Homer Bible Christ. This is our...

Was the Long Ending of Mark Original? Sheffield’s First Response

Anglican scholar Jonathan Sheffield and I are debating whether the “long ending” of the Gospel of Mark (verses 16:9-20) is authentic or interpolated. For essential reading and references on the subject see chapter sixteen of Hitler Homer Bible Christ. This...

Was the Long Ending of Mark Original? First Reply

This is my first response to Jonathan Sheffield’s opening statement. We are debating whether the “long ending” of the Gospel of Mark (verses 16:9-20) is authentic or interpolated. For essential reading and references on the subject see chapter...

The Carrier-McDurmon Debate: Which Worldview Produces the Better World?

Joel McDurmon is an odd fellow. Founder of American Vision, he is simultaneously an old school arch-conservative who thinks all taxation is theft and public schools must be abolished, and a passionate, well-reasoned advocate for liberal talking points like that the...

You Should Judge My Sexual Harassment Case

This week federal court ruled that I need a jurisdiction other than Ohio in my Defamation case. Because the Defendants claim they didn’t know I was in Ohio when they defamed me. Yes, in the age of the internet, that shouldn’t matter. But the law is weird....

The Real Basis of a Moral World

What worldview is better for the world? That’s a question I debated with Joel McDurmon of American Vision just the other day in Houston. I’ll announce the video when it goes live. But one of the matters that came up centrally in that debate was moral...

Have a Drink with Me in Albuquerque This December!

I’ll be hanging out at O’Neill’s in Nob Hill in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from 7-9pm on Thursday, 6 December 2018. I’ll have books to sell and sign. And you can hang out and converse on all subjects. Tell any of your friends in the area...

Catholic Apologist Eats Own Foot: Film at Eleven

One of the most insurmountable errors in the Bible, being both a historical inaccuracy and a contradiction, is the conflicting dates given to the birth of Jesus in Matthew and Luke. This goof is so terrifying to Christians they have destroyed hundreds of trees and...

From Raised to Revenants in the Ancient World

In honor of Halloween, here is a fun and informative sample of some weird things said and believed about the risen dead in the ancient world. Rising from the Dead? Always Creepy Tons of heroes, superheroes, gods, and lucky lads rose from the dead in ancient pagan...