The Fifty Five Films That Most Affected Me Growing Up

It started with a “10 day movie challenge” on Facebook. Post an image, no explanation, from 10 movies that had an impact on you. 10 movies, 10 images. 1 per day. I realized I had 55. And totally want to comment on why. How they impacted me. And what movies...

See Me in San Diego, Kansas City, and Albuquerque

I’ll be doing happy hour at Cantina Mayahuel in San Diego on Thursday, November 29, from 4 to 6pm, at 2934 Adams Ave. Come hang out, chat on any subjects, and if you’re keen, get some books signed! I’ll then be hanging out and selling & signing...

Speaking in Cincinnati!

I will be speaking for the Free Inquiry Group on the science and philosophy of moral reasoning in Cincinnati, Ohio, this coming October 23rd, Tuesday 7pm, at the First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati on 536 Linton Street. Details on Facebook and Meetup. Description:...

More Appearances in Texas!

Not only will I be debating worldviews in Houston the evening of November 10, I’ll also be making appearances in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area. And making a casual stop in Amarillo. The details: I’ll be doing a Q&A on my book Why I Am Not a Christian for...

Ancient Industrial Machinery & Modern Christian Mythology

Christians like to deny the Dark Ages existed, and instead reimagine them as a glorious age of knowledge and progress. That’s just not true. I document the material and textual evidence against that in my chapter on the subject in Christianity Is Not Great, for anyone...

Seeking Lodging in Kansas City for December 8

I’m planning a tour stop in Kansas City this December 8th (a Saturday night). I’ll announce a pubmeet there soon. But in the meantime, if anyone has a guest room or couch I can crash at before heading home the next day, or knows anyone who would, please...

A Baptist Goofs His Reading of Tacitus and Suetonius

Reformed Baptist Josh Sommer has attempted to rebut my peer reviewed paper on the Testimonium Taciteum in Suetonius and Tacitus: Christians or Chrestians? The paper he is talking about is “The Prospect of a Christian Interpolation in Tacitus, Annals...
Would You Like to Be My Date for MythCon?

Would You Like to Be My Date for MythCon?

Through a confluence of events, none of my girlfriends can make it to MythCon in Milwaukee this year. So I’m looking for a date that weekend. You should be aware I’m straight, promiscuous, polyamorous, godless, drink, don’t smoke, and have that cloud...

Intersectionality: A Guide for the Perplexed

Conservatives have really weird ideas about what “intersectional feminism” means. I’ve been running into it a lot lately. Up to and including that it denies individualism (in fact it’s about re-acknowledging individuality in the social system),...
Denver Pubmeet & SBL Con This November!

Denver Pubmeet & SBL Con This November!

I will be hanging out at The Yard House (not The Greedy Hamster) at 1555 Court Place in Denver, Colorado, on Sunday night, 18 November 2018, from 7-9pm. I’ll have on hand books to sell and sign. Spread the word to everyone local you know who’d be...

Debate in Houston This November!

I’ll be debating Which Worldview Produces the Best World? in Houston, Texas, on 10 November 2018. The theme: Does atheistic Naturalism or biblical Christianity offer true help for the world? I’ll be defending naturalism; Dr. Joel McDurmon will be defending...

What’s the Harm? Why Religious Belief Is Always Bad

I’m often asked, “Christianity doesn’t really hurt anyone. Why is it so important? Just let people believe what they want. At least in religion. Why should we bother critiquing and opposing belief?” In some cases the question is terribly naive. In others,...

Why Christians Are Terrified of Probability Theory

A few years ago Strange Notions published a strange editorial by statistics professor William Briggs, called Bayes Theorem Proves Jesus Existed (And That He Didn’t). I say strange, because it’s weirdly dishonest, incompetent, and irrational coming from someone...