Quick Guide to My Books: What to Get & Why

To date I have written eight books. All are available in print, electronic, and audio editions, read by me. Several of them I even use as course texts in online classes you can take. I’m often asked “Which one should I start with?” The answer depends...

Five Bogus Reasons to Trust the Bible

Sean McDowell (yes, son of the Josh McDowell of Evidence That Demands a Verdict fame, now in a co-written new edition) has been Tweeting some eye-rolling propaganda to miseducate the public and keep conning Christians to stay in the fold. Just like all other fake...

Guide to My Social Media

This is a quick guide to how I employ social media: which services I make announcements and engage on; and what you might get out of following each one that isn’t replicated on the others. Because every medium will deliver some content from me you won’t...

Tour Changes: Chicago Is Now This Sunday & OKC Has a New Venue!

Two last-minute changes to my July-August tour: I’ll be in Chicago this Sunday night instead of Wednesday; and my Oklahoma City gig has a new venue in OKC itself! Chicago (IL) • NEW DATE: 22 July (Sunday) • 7-10pm • Holloway’s (Marriott at 410 N. Dearborn...

Exposing the Jesus Myth in Spanish!

Chilean scholar David Cáceres González is slowly translating select blogs of mine into Spanish. It’s pretty cool and well worth letting any Spanish speaking folks know about who might be interested. Spread the word! The site is Mitos o Historia. The translator...
Learn the Science & Philosophy of Moral Reasoning in August!

Learn the Science & Philosophy of Moral Reasoning in August!

Hone your philosophy skills, master how best to debate the moral argument, learn how to improve your own philosophy of life and moral reasoning skills. Take my online course on The Science & Philosophy of Morality this August! Use code 2277437 for $10 discount....

Psychology Today: Lame Shill for Medieval Godist Dribble

Wow. Holy Archons of the Ancient Aeons. I just found out that in 2011 the online edition of Psychology Today published an article arguing Thomas Aquinas proved God exists and science can go stuff it. Called “The Scientific Atheism Fallacy: How Science Declares...

More Asscrankery from Tim O’Neill

I’ve already documented that the amateur rage blogger Tim O’Neill is a hack and a liar in the Gullibility of Bart Ehrman & the Asscrankery of Tim O’Neill. How he responded to being caught lying and screwing up basic facts of history illustrates...

See Me Speak in Irvine Next Month!

In Irvine, California, on Wednesday August 8, I’ll be speaking on “How Christianity Began without a Real Jesus.” I’ll also be discussing what it was Christians in the beginning were actually dying for (when they even were; hint: it wasn’t...

James McGrath Gets Everything Wrong (Again)

Just this month Bible scholar James McGrath, whose incompetence and dishonesty I have documented several times now (example, example, example, example), posted a really foolish attempt to critique Bayesian history on his blog. Titled Jesus Mythicism: Two Truths and a...

Then He Appeared to Over Five Hundred Brethren at Once!

Christian apologists will often throw a tantrum and kick up hay over the notion of “mass hallucination.” That’s impossible! Never documented! Absurd on its face! And they’ll especially bring up “the more than five hundred brethren”...