Want to get into MythCon for free, both the event and afterparty? The theme this year is multiple-sides, honest dialogue. So here’s what gets you in: produce a blog, vlog, or podcast that (a) examines any secular disagreement in politics, culture, or society,...
I’ve been dealing with a bunch of doofuses lately. And I can’t tell if they are alone in their quackery, or if their disease is afflicting anyone else. So here’s a primer on how not to be a total doofus about Bayes’ Theorem. I define a doofus...
This article has been deprecated for obsolescence. For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating defamation of character by false light reporting, see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018.
Though I rarely have time, I occasionally check out what’s being produced in atheism. And thus I went on a binge of Noel Plum videos recently. My entryway was researching what happened to The Atheist Conference, which collapsed almost as soon as its planning began,...
I’ll be hanging out at The Voodoo Lounge Bar & Grill from 7-9pm on 19 June 2018 (a Tuesday), at 110 Southside Square, Huntsville, AL. I’ll have books to sell and sign. Come share a drink with me, and chat on philosophy or history or anything that...
It’s getting hilarious now. N.T. Wright himself, that total hack with no history degrees everyone praises as a great historian (and by “everyone” I mean Christian fundamentalists), has now declared: “Jesus is as well established as a figure of...
In January of 2014 Daniel Dennett, a philosopher and cognitive scientist who is renowned as a world’s leading authority on free will, wrote a lengthy critical review of Sam Harris’s book Free Will (Reflections on Free Will: A Review by Daniel C. Dennett). Sam Harris,...
An interesting article has been published under peer review, which tests my concept (developed and argued in Proving History) that all historical reasoning is already in fact Bayesian (historians just don’t know it), by applying it to the analysis of a major...
June 1 there will be a day long Quantum Hug Initiative online! Google Hangout of atheists, humanists, & others talking about mental health, critical thinking, the pursuit of happiness, & all manner of things. And I’ll be doing an hour, live, from 10 to...
My book The Scientist in the Early Roman Empire is now available in audio format! As for all my other audiobooks, I voiced the text myself for Pitchstone Publishing. They invest a lot in making these audiobooks possible, paying for professional studio time and audio...
It’s officially the mythical mummy Gospel. The “first century” manuscript of Mark Christian apologists have been gloating about and beating everyone over the head with for years…is not a first century manuscript of Mark. It also didn’t...
Wednesday (23 May 2018) at 2:30pm Pacific, I’ll be having a cordial online debate on the historicity of Jesus with eminent scholar Dennis MacDonald on Pinecreek Doug’s YouTube Channel (where around that time the feed should appear, so save that link)....
Tomorrow I’m doing a special live event that will be streamed online, before a select audience in New York City. Saturday, 19 May 2018, from 2 to 4pm East Coast time. This Meetup link provides the URLs for all the live feeds if you want to tune in. And there may...
Register now for my online course on the historicity of Jesus! Learn the best arguments pro and con (so not just my case against it, but also the best arguments and evidence for it), as well as the cultural and historical background of the origin of Christianity...
When the question of the historicity of Jesus comes up in an honest professional context, we are not asking whether the Gospel Jesus existed. All non-fundamentalist scholars agree that that Jesus never did exist. Christian apologetics is pseudo-history. No different...
This May, in preparation for my June course on the Historicity of Jesus, let’s get acquainted with all the critical thinking skills we should employ in examining all historical claims! Skeptics will benefit greatly from learning these practical insider skills....
Richard Carrier is the author of many books and numerous articles online and in print. His avid readers span the world from Hong Kong to Poland. With a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University, he specializes in the modern philosophy of naturalism and humanism, and the origins of Christianity and the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, with particular expertise in ancient philosophy, science and technology. He is also a noted defender of scientific and moral realism, Bayesian reasoning, and historical methods.