Next Two Weeks: Find Me in Arizona & Colorado!

Next Wednesday (April 25) I’ll be in Holbrook, AZ at the Empty Pockets Saloon on Navajo Boulevard. Then the following Wednesday (May 2) I’ll be in Grand Junction, CO at Charlie Dwellington’s on 1st. And the next day (May 3) I’ll be in Littleton, CO...

The Argument from Specified Complexity against Supernaturalism

Creationists may have bitten their own head off with their idea of specified complexity. Because there is a case to be made that if specified complexity can exist, the supernatural cannot. The creationist William Dembski famously contrived the concept of...

Money Buys Happiness? Not After You Hit Six Figures

Five years ago I took Michael Shermer to task for pushing pseudoscience in his bungled attempt to argue (in agreement with Sam Harris and myself) that moral philosophy could and should be retooled into a proper empirical science, the same way every other philosophical...

Come Toast a Drink with Me in Chicago!

I will be at O’Callaghan’s in downtown Chicago having lunch and an early drink between noon and two pm this Monday (9 April 2018). I’ll have books on hand if you want to buy any (all usual forms of payment accepted). Or bring any you already have to...

Some Reasons You Might Want to Take My April Course…

Following are several testimonials of past students of my monthly online courses. Starting this Sunday, I’ll be teaching Building a Godless Worldview, a complete introduction to philosophy as an practical activity and not just a historical subject. For details,...

Dying-and-Rising Gods: It’s Pagan, Guys. Get Over It.

Easter this year lands most fittingly on April Fool’s Day. Because indeed, the resurrection of Jesus is akin to the greatest prank in history. Not because anyone actually faked it (though the evidence we have left, remains fully consistent with their having done...

Your Own Moral Reasoning: Some Things to Consider

We all know the Golden Rule, taught supposedly by the Jewish Rabbi Jesus in the West and the Confucian scholar Mo Tzu in the East: “do to others as you would have done for yourself.” Or as the equally ancient Rabbi Hillel, or Confucius himself, said, “do not do to...

Speaking Near Detroit on April 1

I’ll be delivering a talk and Q&A on “What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?” for the Michigan Atheists at The Birmingham Temple Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (28611 W 12 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, Michigan) on Sunday, April 1, from 5 PM...

Feser Still Can’t Read

Feser keeps trying. And keeps failing. Indeed, he is now making things worse, by demonstrating he doesn’t even understand what is going on here. To catch you up: I wrote a critique of his book. He wrote a reply. I wrote a response to that reply showing how he...

Laguna Beach Pubmeet Moved to a Thursday

As several requested, I’ve changed the date of my upcoming pubmeet in Laguna Beach, California, to Thursday, March 15th. It’s still to be at Hennessey’s Tavern on 213 Ocean Ave. (Laguna Beach, CA) from 7-9pm. See you there!

Looking for a Place to Stay in New York

I’ll be doing an event in New York in May. And traveling with one of my girlfriends. We’re interested in knowing if anyone has a guest room to put us up for three nights. In any borough. We will have our own car. Evenings of May 18, 19, and 20 (a Friday...

Feser Can’t Read (and Other Astonishing Facts)

I had a good laugh when Feser fans claimed he “destroyed” my critique this week, and at first thought, “Oh gosh, did I get something wrong I need to correct?” And then I read his reply. Face, meet palm. Holy cow. His response is wildly inept....

March Tour: Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, California, Texas

I’m doing pubmeets in March on the following dates. Come join me for a drink and conversation and get a signed book or two (or several)! Know anyone who’d love to join us? Let ’em know! 7 March (Wednesday) • The Library Pub (5142 N 90th St.) • Omaha,...