Register now for my online course on the historicity of Jesus! It starts again next month: learn the best arguments pro and con (so not just my case against it, but also the best arguments and evidence for it), as well as the cultural and historical background of the...
Someone asked me about a confusing critique of the math in On the Historicity of Jesus by a YouTuber who goes by the moniker Fishers of Evidence. I don’t know his alignment in the debate. But he has posted a short eight minute video entitled The Error of Richard...
Susan Jacoby was originally slated to speak at the Birmingham Temple Congregation for Humanistic Judaism the evening before the Michigan Atheists Conference this year. But alas, she had to reschedule to speak the Friday before that (the 21st of April, 2017)....
Or just hang out, drink, and chat while I bowl. I’ll even have books to sign and sell. So come on over. I’ll be at Point Bowl (which also has a bar & grill) from 7-10pm on Monday, April 24 (2017). That’s at 2525 Dixon Street. I’ll have just...
I’ll be at Bar Marco in Pittsburgh, PA on April 8 (Saturday) from 7-10pm (2216 Penn Avenue), chatting with anyone who wants to come have a drink with me, and selling and signing my books, of which I’ll have an ample supply. And take note: Bar Marco is part...
Adam Ruins Everything is a fantastic YouTube series. Short videos, usually pretty much spot on, that destroy cultural assumptions by…well, just demonstrating they are only cultural assumptions—and indeed, often created for sinister or stupid reasons, and...
The rolling shit show that is the Trump administration, and his Trumpish ilk in Congress, produces a lot of shock, horror, and tripe. But what if we examine a single little issue that a lot of people don’t know much about: school nutrition. We’ll find a...
I’ll be at Daniel O’Connell’s Irish Restaurant and Bar in Alexandria (VA) from 7-10pm on Sunday the 12th of March (2017). That’s on 112 King St. And as locals know, that’s in Old Town, just around the corner from Washington, DC. Although...
This April 29 (2017) I’ll be tabling and selling my books (including my new one on Science Education in the Early Roman Empire) at the Michigan Atheists Convention (and attending the afterparty) at the Center for Secular Humanism on 28611 West Twelve Mile Rd.,...
On whether Josephus actually ever mentioned Jesus, usually you hear people claim “the consensus is” or “such-and-such renowned Josephus expert said” that he did, so shut-up already, nothing more to see here, “move on!” Well, there...
One of the things I talked about at the Society of Biblical Literature conference in Notre Dame last weekend was the demise of a popular argument for the authenticity of the Testiminium Flavianum (that fawning paragraph about Jesus in the Jewish Antiquities of...
I’m teaching my popular course Introduction to Biblical Scholarship on the New Testament online in March. This is for anyone (you don’t have to be an expert) who wants to be better equipped to debate the Bible or understand the Bible. You will learn a lot of...
A fawningly-Christian non-historian (though reportedly she’s an atheist) wrote one of the weirdest book reviews I’ve ever seen. Not just of my book On the Historicity of Jesus. But of any book, in any academic journal, anywhere. It’s six or so pages...
This is going to be an amazing event not to miss. I’ll be tabling and socializing at this year’s MythinformationCon in Milwaukee Wisconsin, September 30 (2017, a Saturday). Details and tickets are available here. Social media artists Armoured Skeptic and...
The last two years have been the Golden Age of crankery and fake news. And not just in the ways everyone is already talking about. Hardly a month goes by that I’m not bombarded with queries from puzzled fans about this or that astonishing story about ancient...
I’m really tired of this guy. He pops up everywhere trying to push all kinds of sensationalist conspiracy theory crap about the ancient world, from the bogus Jesus tomb, and the semi-bogus James Ossuary (the key portion of which most experts now agree was forged), and...
Richard Carrier is the author of many books and numerous articles online and in print. His avid readers span the world from Hong Kong to Poland. With a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University, he specializes in the modern philosophy of naturalism and humanism, and the origins of Christianity and the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, with particular expertise in ancient philosophy, science and technology. He is also a noted defender of scientific and moral realism, Bayesian reasoning, and historical methods.