Get Better at Combating Christian & Muslim Apologetics!

Come be my student next month! My online course for February is “Counter-Apologetics: Learning the Best Ways to Refute Arguments for God.” It includes special advice on arguing against Islam as well as both liberal and conservative Christianity, tips and...

Speaking on Josephus in Notre Dame

I’ll be delivering a paper at the Society of Biblical Literature Midwest Region meeting at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame (near South Bend, Indiana) this February 11 (Saturday), between 3 and 4pm (probably in the latter half of that hour), in the...

Bayesian Counter-Apologetics: Ten Arguments for God Destroyed

Bayesian counter-apologetics is the method of using Bayesian logic to turn every argument for God into an argument against God, simply by understanding how the logic of evidence works, and then reintroducing all the evidence theists always leave out when they...

In Murfreesboro, Tennessee Next Week!

I’ll be hanging out at O’Possum’s Irish Pub Don Ramon Mexican Bar & Grille in Murfreesboro, TN this Monday night, January 2nd (2017), from 7-10pm. I’ll have books to sell and sign. Come on by to chat about anything! That’s at 2341...

The Real War on Christmas: The Fact That Christmas Is Better Than Christ

Let’s face it. Jesus is a dick. The Gospels portray him as a cruel, sociopathic asshole who gloats over millions being horribly tortured for billions of years at his command (Mk. 9:43-49, Mt. 13:40-42, Mt. 13:49-50, Mt. 18:7-9, Mt. 24:51, Mt. 25:40-46, Mt. 5:22,...

Speaking at Ohio State University in Columbus

My talk entitled “Philosophy’s Not Dead: Why Scientists Need Philosophy & How Philosophers Need Science,” with Q&A after and the selling and signing of my books, will be delivered on Tuesday, February 21 (2017) from 11:30am-12:30pm in 107...

Solstice & My Birthday Month: Patrons for the New Year?

If you appreciate my work, consider becoming a patron of my blog on Patreon, for as little as a dollar a month! There are perks. And it keeps me going, generating quality content. Three big holidays hit all in a month this time of year for me: my birthday was the 1st,...

No, Hitler Wasn’t a Pantheist

This week I debated whether Hitler was really a Christian, on London radio, with historian Richard Weikart of the Discovery Institute, hosted by Justin Brierley. I’ve been on Brierley’s Unbelievable? show before. Last time I was literally in London so I...

Objective Moral Facts

Is there an objectively true morality? The question usually goes astray where those who ask or answer it never stop to clarify what they even mean by “objectively true.” In fact, people who ask or answer this question almost never define what they mean by...

God’s Not Dead 2: Historicity Boogaloo

The best thing about this film is that it lies to the audience. Because we live in the age of the Internet. So anyone who ever thinks to fact-check it will find out they’ve been lied to. And that may do more damage to their faith than any atheist they may ever...
New Audiobook! Science Education in the Early Roman Empire

New Audiobook! Science Education in the Early Roman Empire

My book Science Education in the Early Roman Empire is now available in audio format! As for all my other audiobooks, I voiced the text myself for Pitchstone Publishing. They invest a lot in making these audiobooks possible, paying for professional studio time and...

Critical Thinking as a Function of Math Literacy

What do you get when you combine atheism, mathematics, evolutionary psychology, and the science of cognitive biases? Critical thinking skills! I discuss many aspects of this in my online course on critical thinking. (It’s easy, useful, and affordable, so...
A Critical Thinking Course That’s Affordable and Useful

A Critical Thinking Course That’s Affordable and Useful

I’ll be teaching critical thinking next month (December). Learn some easy tools of Bayesian reasoning, how to spot and correct for cognitive biases, how to reason logically and avoid and detect fallacies, and how to better question your decisions and beliefs in...

Two Lessons Bart Ehrman Needs to Learn about Probability Theory

A reader pointed something out to me that was a fantastic facepalm moment. It’s another demonstration of how Bart Ehrman doesn’t know how epistemic probability works, and not only hasn’t read On the Historicity of Jesus, he doesn’t even know...

Help with Christmas Shopping!

If you want to support my work and finish your Christmas shopping this year, here are some things you can do: If you buy any of the books I recommend on Amazon, through my Amazon store, I get a sales commission. There are recommendations there of all kinds, so you can...