Epicurus vs. Mohammed: In Spanish!

I’ve debunked the Muslim claim that the Koran is miraculously predictive of modern science multiple times, from Cosmology and the Koran to The Koran Predicted the Speed of Light? Not Really . . . all the way to Predicting Modern Science: Epicurus vs. Mohammed,...

Ancient Science Update

My first book on ancient science is now available! And very affordable (I see Amazon is currently selling it for about ten bucks). For details on this book, check out my last article on Science Education in the Early Roman Empire. Kindle and audio should be out by...

Virgin Birth: It’s Pagan, Guys. Get Over It.

The deep anxiety of Christians is often revealed in their desperation to convince themselves they aren’t just new fangled pagans who stole everything from other religions. The virgin birth is a classic example, and the fact-challenged ill-logic of trying to deny...

On the Historicity of Jesus: The Tim Hendrix Critique

Tim Hendrix, a mathematician, recently published an inaccurate critique of my book On the Historicity of Jesus. This is my analysis of where he went wrong. Hendrix wrote a critique of my book Proving History: Bayes’s Theorem and the Quest for the Historical Jesus a...

Lena Einhorn on the Claudian Christ Theory

Editor, physician and documentarian Lena Einhorn has written a book, A Shift in Time, arguing a new theory of the historical Jesus: that he actually was a violent rebel from the era of Claudius, who was later whitewashed into a pacifist from the era of Tiberius. My...

Tour Stops the Week Before the Milwaukee Debate!

Mark your calendars! I’ll be in Bloomington, Indiana; Chicago & Peoria, Illinois; and La Crosse, Wisconsin. Because we have our four winners! The chosen contestants will receive tickets to the Ehrman-Price debate in Milwaukee for the Friday of October 21...

Hitler’s Table Talk: An Update

New developments have been inspired by my exposing certain Hitler quotes as bogus! It all started with a $50 research job for the Freedom from Religion Foundation at Dan Barker’s behest. Dan asked me to check the original German of three Hitler quotes Christians...

Randal Rauser on Treating Atheists Like People

Christian apologist Randal Rauser has written a book every atheist should be ready to cite. Not only because it’s important to keep on hand examples of Christians acting like actual Christians (why can’t there be more of that??). But also because, on one...
Learn How to Critically Assess Claims about History!

Learn How to Critically Assess Claims about History!

Prepare for the Ehrman-Price debate! Join my affordable online course in September on how to think like a historian and test, challenge, or validate their claims. Or share this with anyone you know who might be keen to. Or both! This can even help prepare you for the...

Dating the Corinthian Creed

I’m so frequently asked this that I need to publish a general answer everyone can refer to. It usually amounts to something like this: I keep hearing Christian apologists insisting the Corinthian Creed (1 Cor. 15:3-8) can be reliably dated to the 30s A.D., just...

Analysis of the Carrier-Evans Debate

In April of 2016 I debated Professor Craig Evans, a renowned Evangelical professor of Christianity from Houston Baptist University, on whether Jesus actually existed as a historical person. The debate was held at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, sponsored by...

The Details of My Defamation Case

For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are indeed false, now see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018. -:- In June of 2016, Amy Frank accused me of sexual assault and sexual harassment at a house...

Join My Course & Learn the Best Ways to Refute Arguments for God

Come be my student next month! My online course for August is “Counter-Apologetics: Learning the Best Ways to Refute Arguments for God.” Starting next week, it includes special advice on arguing against Islam as well as both liberal and conservative...

Apology & Going Forward

For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are indeed false, now see my summary and links to evidence and court documents. -:- The allegations that have been made against me are substantially false. Phase one of my legal...

On the Recent Defamation of My Character

For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are indeed false, now see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018. -:- All the allegations made public against me this month are in significant part false and...