Analysis of the Carrier-Evans Debate

In April of 2016 I debated Professor Craig Evans, a renowned Evangelical professor of Christianity from Houston Baptist University, on whether Jesus actually existed as a historical person. The debate was held at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, sponsored by...

The Details of My Defamation Case

For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are indeed false, now see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018. -:- In June of 2016, Amy Frank accused me of sexual assault and sexual harassment at a house...

Join My Course & Learn the Best Ways to Refute Arguments for God

Come be my student next month! My online course for August is “Counter-Apologetics: Learning the Best Ways to Refute Arguments for God.” Starting next week, it includes special advice on arguing against Islam as well as both liberal and conservative...

Apology & Going Forward

For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are indeed false, now see my summary and links to evidence and court documents. -:- The allegations that have been made against me are substantially false. Phase one of my legal...

On the Recent Defamation of My Character

For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are indeed false, now see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018. -:- All the allegations made public against me this month are in significant part false and...

Regarding the Accusations Made by Amy Frank

This article has been deprecated for obsolescence. For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating these accusations are false, now see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018.

The Richard Carrier Exists Tour Begins!

Today I head out across the country. Come visit me on one of my stops! I am moving to Columbus, Ohio, for good and all. And I’m taking a moving truck and towing my car all the way across country from my current and soon past home in Stockton, California. Because...

Dykstra on Ehrman & Brodie

Rene Salm has clued me in to another important new peer reviewed journal article, by Tom Dykstra (M.Div.; Ph.D. in Russian History), who is best known for his critically acclaimed book on how the Gospel of Mark is built out of the Epistles of Paul (Mark, Canonizer of...

The Richard Carrier Exists Tour: Stop 3, Denver!

I’ve been announcing the events along the Richard Carrier Exists Tour as they are finalized. Last in is Denver, Colorado. That’s my third stop on the move across country. And that’s Thursday night, May 26. Come verify my historicity!...

The Richard Carrier Exists Tour: Stop 1, Reno!

I’ll be announcing the events along the Richard Carrier Exists Tour as they are finalized. Next in is Reno, Nevada. That’s my first stop on the move across country. And that’s Tuesday night, May 24. Come verify my historicity! Feel free to...

The Richard Carrier Exists Tour: Stop 2, Salt Lake City!

I’ll be announcing the events along the Richard Carrier Exists Tour as they are finalized. Next in is Salt Lake City, Utah. That’s my second stop on the move across country. And that’s Wednesday night, May 25. Come verify my...

The Richard Carrier Exists Tour: Stop 4, Omaha!

I’ll be announcing the events along the Richard Carrier Exists Tour as they are finalized. Second in is Omaha, Nebraska. That’s my fourth stop on the move across country. And that’s Friday night, May 27. Come verify my historicity!...

Kinky Sexy Stuff: Speaking in Columbus, Ohio, This June

PolyColumbus and The Columbus Space for Alternative Self Expression are hosting a new talk I’m giving this June 14th (Tuesday, 2016) at 7 – 9pm (Eastern time). The Space is located at 180 Outerbelt Street in Columbus. I will be speaking on Polyamory, Kink,...

The Richard Carrier Exists Tour: Stop 5, Kansas City!

I’ll be announcing the events along the Richard Carrier Exists Tour as they are finalized. First in is Kansas City. That’s my fifth stop on the move across country. And that’s Saturday night, May 28. Come verify my historicity! Pictures &...

Bart Ehrman Just Can’t Do Truth or Logic

Bart Ehrman was again asked what evidence there is that Jesus existed this February 18, 2016, at Fresno City College. See the video here (he begins his answer at timestamp 23:18). First he says this: I don’t think there is any doubt that Jesus existed. There are a...

We Weep for John Tors

I mentioned a couple days ago the John Tors travesty, an outraged attempt to “rebut” the Macleans article questioning the historicity of Jesus. His ignorance is only exceeded by his arrogance. And it’s all just so sad to behold....