New Book: Science Education in the Early Roman Empire

My new book is now available for pre-order! Science Education in the Early Roman Empire will hit the presses in October. But you can already order the print edition in advance on Amazon. Electronic editions will be available (probably before the end of the year)....

Learn the Science & Philosophy of Moral Reasoning: Take My May Course!

Come join my online course on moral reasoning! It starts next month. It lasts a month. Study and participate at your own pace and on your own time. We don’t just cover the philosophy of morality and moral reasoning, and why be moral and how to get better at moral...

Historicity Apologists: Their Own Worst Enemy

Brian Bethune has published a good article on the historicity question for Macleans, a leading Canadian magazine. Titled Did Jesus Really Exist?, his article presents a pretty fair assessment of the debate (after summarizing recent developments in the field calling...

Announcing The Richard Carrier Exists Tour!

I may be visiting your town soon! And I may need your help. I’ll explain in a moment. But here’s the basic idea… Because Christians don’t understand how evidence works, they’ve literally argued that there is no more evidence for my...

Appearing at UCLA Next Week!

As I announced earlier, I’m speaking for CFI in two locations this Sunday in Southern California, on why a Jesus was invented at all. But the following Wednesday (April 20 at 5pm), I will be speaking on simply what evidence there is for a historical Jesus, at...

Brief Note on Euhemerization

This is just a brief note for those interested in my thoughts on Tim Widowfield’s article “What Is Euhemerism?” about what he thinks are confusions regarding the terminology of “Euhemerization.” For the context, see my article...

Did the Apostles Die for a Lie?

Do we have good evidence that Paul or any of the original twelve Apostles died for their belief in the risen Jesus? Nope. Nevertheless, Justin Bass claimed so in a lecture you can view online (Evidence of the Apostles’ Martyrdom). I may eventually write a...

Speaking in Melbourne! (The One in Florida, Near the Spaceships)

I’ll be speaking on why we know the Gospels are myths—with many amusing and entertaining examples, and a smattering of literary theory–in Melbourne, Florida, on Friday, May 13 (2016), at 6:30pm, for the Humanist Community of the Space Coast, the...

Speaking on Ancient Science & Christian Fascism in Florida This May!

An amazing double bill event with David Silverman and myself is going down in central Florida this coming May (2016). Hosted by the Central Florida Freethought Community. Silverman is headlining with a survey of his case for firebrand-style atheist activism in his...

Speaking in Riverside on Whether Feminism Is Evil!

I will be speaking on the subject of feminism, and why the atheism movement needs more of it, in Riverside, California this April 23rd (2016), Saturday, in room 302 South of the Highlander Union Building on the UC Riverside campus, at 1pm (900 University Avenue)....

Appearing in Los Angeles & Costa Mesa

I will be speaking on Jesus mythicism in Southern California this April. “If Jesus Didn’t Exist, Why Did They Invent One?” The theory that there was no actual Jesus at the dawn of Christianity is starting to impact academia. But if there was no Galilean...

Mythicist Milwaukee Interview with Carrier & Lataster

A podcast interview of Raphael Lataster and myself has just gone up in advance of the Bass-Carrier debate happening this weekend, also sponsored by Mythicist Milwaukee, the same organization as runs the podcast in question. The episode is “The Jesus Myth Theory...

All Kinds of Awesome Is Happening!

We are growing and multiplying! We have split into two blog networks with a common cause. And both are adding many new bloggers. The new independent network The Orbit will focus even more on feminism and social justice (as well as activism). Though we will still do a...

Revisions to Sense and Goodness without God

My first book, Sense and Goodness without God, was completed in 2003 and published in 2005. Since then I have collected a long list of corrections (mostly typos, a few clarifications or improved wording, and updates to all the bibliographies) that I would certainly...