Appearing in Toronto!

I’ll be speaking on the historicity of Jesus in Toronto next month, on Friday, October 23 (2015), at 7:30pm, at the University of Toronto (252 Bloor Sreet West) in the OISE Auditorium (Ground Floor). Sponsored by CFI Canada. Details here. Tickets here....

Sigh. Now I'm on Twitter.

Yup. I avoided it like the plague. I’ll still avoid it like the flu. But as Jubal Early said…Well. Here I am.

Looking for a Literary Agent

Anyone with connections, please do inquire: I want to produce a mass market book summarizing the conclusions and findings of On the Historicity of Jesus, with a major publisher, one that works often with expanding into foreign language markets. I have been asked by...

My DragonCon Schedule (Including a Talk on Ancient Technology!)

I’ll be on some panels. I’ll be in the parade. I’ll be selling and signing my books (briefly). But above all, I’ll be speaking on the topic of ancient Roman technology, and why the scientific and industrial revolutions did not occur then. The...

Moral Reasoning Course + Bonus Option!

Not only can you join my science & philosophy of moral reasoning course this week (and if you haven’t already, check it out and give it a shot! … or please spread the word to anyone else who might be interested!), but there is now a bonus option you...

Appearing in Raleigh…to Talk about Hitler!

I’ll be in town for two events at least. First, on Monday, September 21, I’ll be discussing my field-changing work on the fabricated and distorted Hitler quotes from the English edition of the infamous Table Talk. I will also be speaking at UNC...

Help Make Recovering from Religion Succeed

The nonprofit that helps people recover from religion and religious abuse, providing hotlines, support groups, and secular therapy referrals—Recovering from Religion—is experiencing such demand that it needs to launch as a professional operation with paid...

Catching Up 3: John Loftus on Jeff Lowder & Being a Philosopher

I’ve been too busy to blog about all the things I wanted to this month. From the Black Lives Matter protest to the Ophelia Benson departure to a weird John Loftus flameout currently going on. So here I’m quickly trying to catch up. Last on deck: the Loftus...

Catching Up 2: Ophelia Benson & Advocating Trans Person Rights

I’ve been too busy to blog about all the things I wanted to this month. From the Black Lives Matter protest to the Ophelia Benson departure to a weird John Loftus flameout currently going on. So here I’m quickly trying to catch up. Second on deck: the...

Catching Up 1: The BLM Protest

I’ve been too busy to blog about all the things I wanted to this month. From the Black Lives Matter protest to the Ophelia Benson departure to a weird John Loftus flameout currently going on. So here I’m quickly trying to catch up. First on deck: the BLM...

Please Donate to the Southwest Secular Student Conference!

This September the SSA is putting on a conference for students across the U.S. at the Claremont Colleges. They need financial support to pull it off. They will announce a full lineup of speakers and workshops soon, but they already have Heina Dadabhoy, Greta...

Looking for Place to Stay in Georgia and Pennsylvania

Anyone who wants to host me, with bed or couch, for a night or two this September, please let me know! Here’s the skinny… Georgia: I’ll be speaking at DragonCon in Atlanta this year (I’ll be there from the 3rd of September through the 7th), and...

Tim Hendrix on Proving History

Tim Hendrix wrote a critical analysis of my book Proving History two years ago, and recently made it available online. Coincidentally I also just discovered a review of the book in College & Research Libraries Reviews, which had been published in June of 2012 (pp....