Fellow Jesus myth advocate D.M Murdock, widely known as Acharya S, is dealing with a particularly vicious onslaught of cancer. Given the fact that the U.S. is just about the only first world nation left that doesn’t cover its citizens’ non-elective medical...
Just a quickie today. Several people have asked this question in one form or another: I’ve read a number of people who claim that your use of the term “euhemerization” is incorrect. These typically give definitions along the lines of the following in...
Preparing to teach my online course on the science & philosophy of free will in a couple days reminded me, as I looked over the reading materials and thought-provoking questions I’ve prepared: this is my favorite class. Anyone who joins in will find in it a...
Yep. You might want. These are fabulous. And presently unique. But even if duplicated, they will remain extremely rare. I’m giddy at the craftsman’s work on them. They are an aesthetic achievement that harkens back to the old days of leather-bound books in...
This is a call for someone to hire! I will be a featured guest speaker for Skeptrack at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA this September (4th-7th, 2015). I’ll give a new and fancier-than-ever talk on ancient technology (“Real Steam Punk”), possibly also be on...
So when I came out as polyamorous in February, the godless Slymepit blew a gasket. But so did Christians. Their freakout was quaint. And hardly substantive. So I just filed it as something to amuse over when I had time. Now as I sit for hours in the Raleigh-Durham...
Join an affordable one-month online course in August, where I’ll teach and discuss the philosophy of free will, including the scientific facts relating to it, the legal evidence relating to it, the medical ethics relating to it, and more. Let others know, too!...
Brayton and Gaudette produced a really excellent video smartly summarizing the statistical facts about racism in America and why humanists should care about this and make even more effort to do something about it. Check it out on YouTube. And if you like that,...
I will be a special guest for the Triangle Freethought Society in Cary, NC this Friday night, July 17th, at RallyPoint Sport Grill, 6pm until late. I won’t be giving a formal presentation. I’ll just be hanging out and circulating and open to chatting with...
This is an apology for a mistake I made. In a comment thread on Ophelia Benson’s blog about the effects of porn on unwanted violence in the bedroom, I gave as examples for my own points relating to that cases from my own personal sexual experience, which despite...
American Atheists is putting on an excellent conference in Puerto Rico this August (21st-23rd, 2015). And I’m one of the honored speakers. Atheists in Puerto Rico wanted me to speak on my work on the historicity of Jesus, and so I will. I’ll also be...
It’s always something. First it was, “We have better evidence for Jesus than for the contemporary emperor Tiberius.” Matthew Ferguson annihilated that one. Then it was, “We have better evidence for Jesus than for Alexander the Great.”...
Earlier this year I got to party on the town with a gaggle of groovy atheist activists in San Diego. And among them was the cool new musical duo Monster on Sunday, Steve and Tally Cass. The both of them were awesome and beautiful company. And I was really keen to hear...
In two weeks I’ll be speaking in Columbus, Ohio. On what you ask? Sex and Sexism in Ancient Rome: Crossroads of Sexual Freedom & State Oppression. Co-hosted by PolyColumbus and the Humanist Community of Central Ohio. This will be Tuesday, July 14 (2015), at...
Narrator’s voice to be heard as in the style of an old timey radio narrator… LYRICAL CHORUS: O-l-d T-i-m-e-y R-a-d-i-o!!! NARRATOR: We bring you back to the amazing adventures of The Amazing Whitey Spidey Man! The scene opens when another Dick Driver, a...
No. If you want to know why, read on. A reader emailed me a brief article by Darrell Bock called “Sources for Caesar and Jesus Compared,” asking me to please point out the thousand things wrong with it. I don’t really have to, because (at least de...
Richard Carrier is the author of many books and numerous articles online and in print. His avid readers span the world from Hong Kong to Poland. With a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University, he specializes in the modern philosophy of naturalism and humanism, and the origins of Christianity and the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, with particular expertise in ancient philosophy, science and technology. He is also a noted defender of scientific and moral realism, Bayesian reasoning, and historical methods.