Want to See Bart Ehrman Debate the Historicity of Jesus?

Yes, Ehrman consistently refuses to debate me (because I’m ‘too mean’). But he has agreed to debate Robert Price, another prominent and well-qualified doubter of the historicity of Jesus. As long as the event gets funded, in order to demonstrate...

Fantastic Study of Gender Differences Finds White Privilege Instead

This is one of the most excellent must read articles ever sent to me (by a girlfriend who does this sort of thing for a living. You know who you are, Girl. Thank you!) I’m talking about David Roberts, “There’s a Gender Divide on Nuclear Power, but It...

Venue Change for This Friday!

I announced I’d be at Skeptics in the Pub in St. Louis this Friday. Enough people are now going they had to relocate to a different bar. So if you were planning to go, don’t forget to check the update!

I’ll Be at the St. Louis Skeptics in the Pub Next Week! (UPDATED)

Next Friday, June the 19th, in St. Louis, at Heavy Riff Brewing on 6413 Clayton Avenue (unless the venue is changed due to higher than expected attendance), starting at 6:30pm. I’ll just be there to hang out, answer questions, have conversations, drink. I may...

Help Win Secular Students Week; Play a Board Game with Richard Carrier

Okay, so. The Secular Student Alliance, one of the best run and most important atheist community organizations we have, is running a fundraiser this week. They want to reach 500 new donors by June 17th. I asked them what minimum donation would count and they said $5....

Myths of Charity: The Enduring Sham of Arthur Brooks

Six years ago Arthur Brooks published Who Really Cares (which has gone through several subtitles, from America’s Charity Divide to Who Gives, Who Doesn’t, and Why It Matters to The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism). This book is still triumphantly...

The Historicity of Paul the Apostle

I am often enough asked what evidence there is for the historical existence of Paul that a summary write up would be handy to refer people to. This also has use as some scholars ignorantly claim that any standard that would deny the historicity of Jesus would entail...

How To Do Wrong Right

After my post last month asking for a date the following week, many very positive and some slightly negative things transpired in result. The date went well. I chose a very lovely person who replied to my advertisement awesomely. We hit it off very well and are now in...

Help Miri Mogilevsky Keep Writing for a Living

I have long been a fan of Miri Mogilevsky’s excellent writing on society, science, and sexuality, among many other topics, including feminism and other aspects of social justice. As well as her speaking and teaching. I’ve also been considering launching my...

Help Rescue Our Colleagues from Murderers

This is a big one. We’ve been working secretly on rescuing our own Taslima Nasrin from a hit list in her own county and have now gotten her to safety at some continuing expense that we could really use your help with. We would also like to save several other...

Reminder: Learn How to Question or Defend the Historicity of Jesus

Hey! Want to know how to defend the historicity of Jesus against naysayers? This class is for you. Want to know how to be the most irrefutable naysayer? This class is also for you. Join now. Ask all the questions you want for a month. Offer all the challenges you...

Groovy Video Companion to A Better Life

I just watched Chris Johnson’s new documentary, A Better Life. The book was already fantastic. Beautiful photography, great interview excerpts, of both famous and everyday atheists with remarkable stories. The video companion lives up to it. This is a must-have...

Some Good Stuff on Social Justice Responsibility

Thank you, David Wong and Miri Mogilevsky! A girlfriend tipped me off to David Wong’s really amusing and spot-on 101 on why social justice (particularly regarding structural racism and sexism) is not about white guilt but about fixing what our ancestors broke....