Miracles & Historical Method

Video of my talk for this year’s Skepticon is now available on YouTube. See Miracles and Historical Method. Description: Carrier talks about how to think critically about history generally, using miracles as an entertaining example. Video of my talk for this...

Brodie on Jesus

Last month I completed Beyond the Quest for the Historical Jesus: Memoir of a Discovery by Thomas Brodie (Sheffield Phoenix, 2012) and have only just now found the time to review it here (I’ve been so busy I haven’t even had internet access for most of the...

Blogging Slowdown

Just FYI to everyone, tomorrow I fly out for the Skepticon conference in Missouri which I am certain will consume me the whole weekend (it always does!), and then immediately after that I’m flying to the UK and spending ten days all over the south of England, so...

Lana Wachowski is Awesome

If you hadn’t heard, one of the famous “Wachowski brothers,” creators of The Matrix franchise and directors of the new hit Cloud Atlas, recently came out as a transsexual woman. She is now Lana Wachowski. And for her efforts at giving transgenderism...

Skepticon Emergency!

SOS! The venue is turning out to be far more expensive than planned and they don’t have the funds to cover it. The event might even be canceled. They still want to keep it free for those who have nothing to spare. But those of us who do have something to spare:...

Kickass Book: "Why Are You Atheists So Angry!"

You will want this book. I’ll say why in a mo. But I’m talking about Greta Christina’s first, and quite sensational, book that came out earlier this year but is now available at Amazon for the great price of just $9: Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99...

The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

The latest analysis has all but confirmed the recently announced “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” is a modern forgery. See Mark Goodacre’s summary in Jesus’ Wife Fragment: Further Evidence of Modern Forgery or go look at Andrew Bernhard’s...

Historicity News: Changing Tides

This is the last of three posts covering news in the historicity-of-Jesus debate (for the first see Thallus et Alius and for the second see Notable Books). Here I will discuss two significant developments in the Jesus historicity/mythicism debate, and one more...

Help a Fellow Warrior Weather a Storm

Greta Christina only a few months ago quit her day job to work for herself as a writer and speaker (both of which she’s really good at), and things were looking great, then bam, her dad gets badly ill and dies, causing her to lose work for about a...

Historicity News: Notable Books

This is the second of three posts covering news in the historicity-of-Jesus debate (for the first see Thallus et Alius). I recently finished reading the latest books by John Crossan and Dennis MacDonald. They inadvertently support the mythicist case with their latest...

Glorious Smackdown of the 10/42 Apologetic

Have you heard the argument that Jesus must have existed because “42 ancient sources record Jesus 150 years within his lifetime, whereas only 10 mention the contemporary Roman emperor Tiberius,” and since we consider that enough to believe Tiberius...

Appearing in London

It’s official! I will be speaking on Bayes’ Theorem and Proving History in London this November 16 (Friday, 2012) and in Oxford the day before (Thursday the 15th). Although the latter may be restricted to students and faculty, the former is open to the...

Historicity News: Thallus et Alius

I have a slew of things to report. I was thinking of doing some book reviews, for example, but I am not going to have the time. With my England trip coming up and my push to hunker down and finish On the Historicity of Jesus Christ, I will have much less time for...

Understanding Bayesian History

So far I know of only two critiques of my argument in Proving History that actually exhibit signs of having read the book (all other critiques can be rebutted with three words: read the book; although in all honesty, even the two critiques that engage the book can be...

Skepticon 5 Will Be Awesome

I will be speaking on “miracles and the historical method” at Skepticon this year, greatly updating my old but popular talk on the subject with what I’ve discovered and worked out in writing Proving History. This will build on last year’s talk...

Sacramento Freethought Festival!

I will be at the Sacramento Freethought Festival next week, Saturday, 6 October (2012). I will be selling and signing my books all day at a table, and participating in the Authors Q&A (which runs from 10:40 to 11:20). Come say hi. And buy some books! It’ll...