I’ll be teaching critical thinking next month (October). Learn some easy tools of Bayesian reasoning, how to spot and correct for cognitive biases, how to reason logically and avoid and detect fallacies, and how to better question your decisions and beliefs in constructive ways. Skills everyone should have and hone! And that you might be able to teach to your fellow citizens in the coming dark years.

The course text will be Logically Fallacious: The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies, New Academic Edition, by Bo Bennett of The Humanist Hour. Get your copy now!

And register today! Class starts October 1.

Or spread the word. Tell any of your friends or contacts who might be interested. Lots of people will want to hone their knowledge and skills in this domain. And this class is all about helping people do that, and very affordably.

Learn the basics you need in logic, cognitive science, and reasoning about probability, to be a better, sharper thinker, about everything that matters in your life!

Here is the official course description…

Richard Carrier (Ph.D., Columbia University) will provide instruction and advice on the new skills now needed to become a good critical thinker in the 21st century in his new course “Critical Thinking in the 21st Century: Essential Skills Everyone Should Master” during December 2016.

Based on Dr. Carrier’s acclaimed presentation for the Secular Student Alliance, this course will:

  • Teach students standard skills in traditional logic and fallacies.
  • Cover cognitive biases and how to detect & avoid them, including motivated reasoning and the political brain.
  • Bayes’ Theorem, and Bayesian problem solving, for the non-mathematician, and other skills in reasoning about probability.
  • Learning how to see things from someone else’s perspective.
  • Useful skills of self-examination, self-critique, and personal improvement in thinking & reasoning, for personal belief development and the acquisition of lifelong wisdom.

Each student will be left with a whole toolbox of ideas and information to work with, which will make them sharper thinkers in every domain. You will also get to ask any questions you’ve ever had on the subject, of an expert with decades of experience studying and applying these skills. And be introduced to helpful resources on critical thinking knowledge that you can bookmark and continue to use.

You can register for the class here.

You can procure the required course text here (print or kindle).

All other materials will be provided.

Study and participate on your own time. And participate as much or as little as you want.

Note there are two registration options. The higher one gets you into PSA’s new Certificate Program. It’s a little more money and a little more work (for both of us), but it can look good on a resume, make you more effective in the secular movement, or help you with several other goals (see link for more).


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