I’ll be hanging out and chatting and drinking with anyone who wants to join me at Arnold’s Bar & Grill (210 East 8th St., Cincinnati, OH) from 6-9pm on Saturday January 6 (2018). And I may stay longer. If enough people show, we may relocate to Nicholson’s about five blocks away (625 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH). So remember that as our secondary venue, in case you don’t find us at Arnold’s. I’m happy to converse on all subjects. And I’ll have books to sell and sign. Including my newest one, The Scientist in the Early Roman Empire. You’d be the first to buy a signed copy of it directly from me at a public meet!
About the Author

Richard Carrier is the author of many books and numerous articles online and in print. His avid readers span the world from Hong Kong to Poland. With a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University, he specializes in the modern philosophy of naturalism and humanism, and the origins of Christianity and the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, with particular expertise in ancient philosophy, science and technology. He is also a noted defender of scientific and moral realism, Bayesian reasoning, and historical methods.