This article has been deprecated for obsolescence. For the most up-to-date collection of evidence in my case, demonstrating defamation of character by false light reporting, see my summary and links to court documents from June of 2018.
About the Author

Richard Carrier is the author of many books and numerous articles online and in print. His avid readers span the world from Hong Kong to Poland. With a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University, he specializes in the modern philosophy of naturalism and humanism, and the origins of Christianity and the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, with particular expertise in ancient philosophy, science and technology. He is also a noted defender of scientific and moral realism, Bayesian reasoning, and historical methods.
Yes, I want to help. This should have ended long ago. My best wishes Richard.
Sent a little, wish I could afford more. It sure is a deep hole you fell into.
It is quite astonishing that these folk are still carrying this on. Even if something happened in the Amy matter, it left no evidence, there was no one else there, and on social media she came across as unreliable and pretty much indistinguishable from unhinged. Your defamers look for all the world like Atheist/Skeptic cultists.
This sort of thing has to be fought and I’d feel morally compromised if I didn’t chip in.
This is fucking bonkers. I don’t have $50K but I sent a little.
It is my solemn wish to assist you in the course of your personal vicissitudes, but I am truthfully recovering from bankruptcy which has only rendered me impecunious. Unfortunately, justice has been commodified in this legal system. All too often, poverty = guilt in most cases. I wish you the best of all possible fortune for you as an intellectual crusader I hold with reverance…
I’m totally broke for the month already, otherwise I would send you some money. How it is I can only wish you the best in court to end this witch hunt. 🙁 And if it can happen to you it can happen to others that are just trying to have a career in this case… If I can help in any other ways let me know.
Richard, I generally support your work, and I like your presentations I have watched on youtube. I assume you can still find audiences for your talks, and I really hope you can — regardless of what you choose to do in your personal life.
Sadly, I have to say you are making yourself look like a fool with this nonsense. You are a public figure, and that means people can publish things about you that are not true.
I also don’t think you have any real damages, and your lawyers must agree, since they do not want to do this case on a contingency basis.
What your long missives boil down to is disagreement with (basically) teenagers, that you are literally making a federal case out of. For all I care, you can bang all the overweight 20-somethings you can handle. But you have to understand that this lifestyle can bring drama into your life, which can be magnified by the internet.
Your accusers are going to continue to feel they are rights, regardless of the outcome of this case, just as you will feel you are right regardless of the outcome. That tells me you are wasting time and money. If you want to be a boss again, get back to work, and stop making yourself look bad with begging for money and acting like a lawsuit is going to change the truth, or public opinion. It won’t.
None of what you claim about lawyers or the law is true. And the way you talk about women hints at misogyny.
Please accept my comments as an invitation to consider another perspective besides your own.
Everything I said about the law and lawyers was true. I agree I omitted an “… unless you can prove ‘actual malice'”.
I actually believe you, and I think the complaints about you are more than likely overblown. But I don’t think these comments caused any real harm to you. You have defended yourself in public, and anyone who really cares can look into it, and draw her own conclusions.
The idea of jurors giving you money is very far-fetched. If you lawyers believed this case was worth money — they would take the case on a contingency, and get paid a percent of the recovery. Instead, you are being asked for money, because the case will never yield any money. You are broke, and yet your lawyers are asking you to take all the risk in this case. Please apply your analytical gifts to this situation.
Here is something else to consider: there is NOTHING less sexy than “poverty”. This holds true for every culture. The quality of girls you can pull has a direct relationship to how much financial stability you project.
In other words, even in the area you seem to care most about (getting laid), you are doing yourself more harm that good.
You don’t have to post this, I just want you to think about it. I do wish you the best. I think you have a lot to contribute to exposing the fallacy of religion and ancient holy books. I don’t want to see you turn into another Anthony Weiner-type tragic character.
Again, none of what you just said is true. It may be true in your mind. But in reality, that’s not how any of this actually works.
In retrospect, I admit that me giving you pseudo-advice on getting laid was unwarranted.
The truth of my factual statements about how defamation cases work will have to speak for itself in the fullness of time. You may know a lot about a lot, but definitely not about this.
It does not offend me that public intellectuals, such as yourself, try to raise money from the public. (Of course you know your opponents are fundraising from your case, too, which seems to indicate they have no insurance for your claims.) The fact that you are wasting that money on a defamation case is what is disappointing in my mind. I don’t know what you’ve spent so far, but maybe you are caught in the poker trap known as “chasing a pot”, also known as throwing good money after bad.
Now I am going to quit trying to shine a light into your blind spot. Good luck with everything — I really do mean it.
Mary, you have a toxic attitude that borders on misogynistic. Consider that even in his defence of himself, Mr. Carrier has extended to his accusers more respect and civility than you’re willing to.
Furthermore you can’t seem to express your opinions without hurling backhanded insults at Mr. Carrier every other sentence. You’re firing in all directions here. Honestly, you just seem like a mean person. Please learn how to communicate with human beings more productively.
The odd thing is that you seem to agree that Mr. Carrier is being slandered, but insist that he drop the case because you don’t smell any money in it. While this is an impressive display of moral vacuousness, not everyone is able to live with that degree of apathetic pragmatism.
If Mr. Carrier feels he is the victim of a malicious and coordinated campaign, I am glad that he is seeking remedy in the courts, and using the system as intended. It is not a smooth process, but this is how our society moves forward.
It’s certainly better than either responding in kind or kicking the can down the road and hoping the next person this happens to is a stranger.
Have you considered contacting Chris Hedges on RT’s On Contact? Your entire career focus aligns with his latest book America: The Farewell Tour (2018). If you had a 30 minutes spot on RT, you might reach exponential supporters. Peter Thiel funded Hulk Hogan’s case against Gawker which bankrupted the news aggregation website. Perhaps you could reach out to him as well since he had issue with Gawker “outing” his homosexuality. If I were rich, I bankroll your defense and offense for penalties as I absolutely loathe persons who commit false allegation – speaking from personal experience in a Polish court for 5 years where perjury is unpunished, evidence is ignored, proceedings delayed, rulings falsified… It’s a real shit show. Last recommendation: Zero Books. This website aligns with your work and might help you generate revenue. Finally, have you considered consulting work for one of the Big 4? There’s lots of money on the right end of the neo-liberal spectrum…
Richard, I’ll accept your apology if you want to make one about “how this works” which you didn’t understand at all. You could have bought a lot of scotch whiskey with those $400 filing fees.
As an alternative, you might consider deleting these blog posts altogether, and turning the page. This saga was not good evidence of your thinking clearly. I hope you are better now. Truly.