I am nearing my half century of life—it will be official on December 1st! And Christmas is also just around the corner. To all who’d like to send me a gift for either or both, what I most want is more recurring patronage on either Patreon or PayPal to help with the expenses of life. So please join either, even if just at the minimum level of support.

It is that support that keeps me dedicated to carefully writing four substantive articles a month, otherwise free to all readers, solid enough to be citable references you can refer people to or improve your worldview by.

But also…

There are perks to being a Patron, whether through Patreon or PayPal. You get to post comments on my blog immediately, without waiting in a moderation queue. You get to comment on my Facebook posts (just send me a Facebook friend request with a message reminding me you’re a Patron now, and where). And you get a little of my time. If you send questions through messages or email, I usually have no time to respond as I get so many, but just remind me you’re a Patron and I’ll know you get the privilege of at least some useful response.

On Patreon you can gain these perks even for as little as a dollar a month. Although I hope for at least a dollar per earning post, which will amount to four dollars a month. That keeps me working at my top pace. And even more of course is always welcome. If for any reason you prefer PayPal, to qualify you need to set up at least a two dollar recurring payment. But the benefits are the same! And Patrons at higher levels of support can even earn a visit from me to their town (or video chat if you’re not in North America), or even some free signed books.

And if recurring support is not for you, there are also other ways to help support my work for Christmas and my coming birthday. But please do become a Patron, or even recommend others do. Either through Patreon or PayPal. And thus help keep me going through 2020. Merry Paganmas and Happy Holidays!


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