I’ve now added “Critical Thinking in the 21st Century” to my monthly class roster. You can register now and join us starting 1st of next month or any subsequent month. Register anytime ahead of the month you want—for this or any of several other courses I’m offering. Come join us! And let anyone else know you think might be interested—whatever their position on religion or politics!

You’ll learn some easy tools of Bayesian reasoning (no matter how bad you think you are at math, I teach it as logic, so if you get logic, you’ll get this!), as well as how to spot and correct for cognitive biases we all have (and yes, that means you and me!), and of course how to reason more logically and evade fallacies, and how to better question your own decisions and beliefs constructively. Skills everyone should have and hone. Also skills you might want to teach to your fellow citizens in the coming dark years.

This will also be your chance to propose and discuss the critical thinking skills you think everyone should adopt.

The course text is new this time: we will be closely reading and discussing A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking with Statistics and the Scientific Method by cognitive scientist Daniel Levitin. I will help you benefit even more from that book than you might tackling it alone.

Completing this course, each student will be left with a whole toolbox of ideas and information to work with, which will make them sharper thinkers in every domain. You will also get to ask any questions you’ve ever had on the subject, of an expert with decades of experience studying and applying these skills. You’ll also be introduced to helpful resources on critical thinking that you can bookmark and continue using.

How to Register

Registration for any single one-month course is only $49. Every course also requires you to purchase a single course text, in either print or digital format, which you should give yourself plenty of time to receive before starting the course. The required text for Critical Thinking is Levitin’s Field Guide to Lies. Kindle or Print will do.

Additional course readings will be provided for free.

Students will require a Google Account (creating one is free and easy and has many other uses) and must pay the registration fee using my PayPal portal (you don’t need a PayPal account; any suitable credit or bank card will do). After paying the $49, email me with a note that you’ve paid and what for (which month and which course; you can choose to start in any future month, and any course I am offering; remember to also get the course text, per above). In that email please provide me the same name you used with PayPal, and your Google Account email address, so I can invite you into the course forum. You will be sent that invite by email on or before the first of the month you chose.

Then participate as much or as little as you like! Read the assigned course materials each week, answer the forum challenge questions if you want, and post any questions or challenges you have on the subject. I’ll provide serious and attentive answers and assessments and continue to engage with you as much as you need throughout the month.



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