We are here debating the Kalam Cosmological Argument from a deistic rather than theistic perspective. Carlo Alvaro is taking the affirmative; Richard Carrier the negative. See our initial entry for all the details, including an index to all entries yet published.


Dr. Alvaro has not presented any evidence for his P1 or P2. I have presented evidence against both.[1]

I. Premise 1 Remains Unproved and Probably False

All Alvaro offers in support of P1 are observations of current laws of physics. But current laws of physics cannot describe conditions prior to the production of those laws of physics. Therefore “causal laws exist now” cannot be evidence that “those same laws always existed.” Alvaro needs to prove that P1 holds even prior to the contingent production of causal laws like P1. Otherwise it is false.

By contrast, I have proved the following: since P1 has still not been formally proved to be logically necessary by any valid or sound syllogism, so far as we know it is impossible for P1 to be true before the contingent production of P1. The first state of existence, if there was one, therefore cannot even in principle have been governed by P1. If P1 was not necessary, it was brought about; if it was brought about, there was a condition prior to P1 in which P1 did not yet hold. Yet P3 requires P1 to hold in precisely that condition. Since it does not, P1 is false in precisely the condition required for it to prove P3.

Accordingly, I demonstrated the consensus of experts in cosmological science rejects P1, publishing and accepting under peer review many spontaneous creation models.[2] There is therefore no basis for amateurs to believe in P1. Alvaro has cited not even a single cosmological scientist who believes in P1, nor even a single peer-reviewed argument for it in the actual field of cosmological science.

II. Premise 2 Remains Unproved and Probably False

I demonstrated that all mathematicians and theoretical physicists agree that actual infinities are possible and that current cosmological observations are consistent with a past infinite series of prior states. Therefore, the overwhelming consensus of experts on this matter reject Alvaro’s P2. There is therefore no basis for amateurs to believe in P2. Alvaro has cited not even a single living mathematician or theoretical physicist who believes in P2, nor even a single peer-reviewed argument for it in the actual field of cosmological science.

By contrast, I cited dozens of actual papers, books, and even recorded interviews of actual experts rejecting P2 and Alvaro’s every attempt at arguing for it. This includes interviews with Borde, Guth, and Vilenkin who authored the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin (or BGV) theorem: every single one of them agrees even their finding, which proved a classical spacetime must be past-finite, does not prove time had to be, because timelines can pass through quantum singularities and thus bypass the requirements of classical spacetime.[3]

III. P3 Is Both Moot and False

Accordingly, P3 remains unproved. But even if P3 happened to be true, Alvaro has not proved its first cause had any properties of a deity. It could be a spontaneous uncaused event, or any atheistic brute or necessary first-state of physics. Thus all godless first-cause cosmological models in peer-reviewed science journals remain untouched by Alvaro’s conclusion. Yet they all omit any intelligence. Whereas no theistic cosmological model has ever passed peer review in a cosmological science journal. Atheism is therefore more probable on existing science.

IV. Catalog of False Claims

Alvaro implied (albeit shadily avoiding actually claiming) that his colleague, astrophysicist Michio Kaku, teaches that “the Big Bang theory says that there is no spatiotemporal dimension prior to the singularity.” Kaku publicly teaches the opposite.[4] No living theoretical physicist teaches what Alvaro claims.

“If anything could come into existence by nothing, then anything could—even now!” No. As I explained, P1 will only be false in conditions ontologically or temporally prior to (not after) the production of an observed causal physics. This is why things don’t violate causal laws now; but could before they existed.

“Also, he must show an object that came into existence by nothing.” No. As I explained, even by Alvaro’s own expansive definition of “something,” I cited many possible spontaneous and minimal-first-cause creation cosmologies that do not require his definition of “nothing.” That refutes P1.

“The Kalam does not argue that everything is governed by P1.” I never said it did. Alvaro ignored what I actually said (that he has to show P1 is necessarily and thus not contingently true) and converted it into something I did not say (that P1 is only true if every possible thing is governed by it). He never answered what I actually said. That is a drop.

“Actual infinity leads to logical contradiction.” Alvaro presented no formal syllogism or proof of this. He only made assertions, all of which refuted by me, and by experts on the logic of transfinite sets, as I extensively cited.[5] Among those is Bertrand Russell, who concluded, “objections to infinite numbers, and classes, and series, and the notion that the infinite as such is self-contradictory, may thus be dismissed as groundless.”[6] This conclusion has never been overturned in any peer-reviewed mathematics journal. 

“You cannot traverse an actual infinity.” No one has to. As I repeatedly explained. A finite person can be born, live, and die at any point in time in an infinite timeline; they do not have to ‘cross’ the whole series first. This was the kind of argument Russell formally disproved.[again, 6] All mathematicians expert in transfinites now agree with Russell and me.[7]

V. Conclusion

Alvaro claims to have proved “the god that brought the universe into existence is eternal” and “was not brought into existence by anything else,” and that the “Kalam is sound” so “the conclusion must be true, which means that the universe was brought into being by something else—a god.” But Alvaro never presented any argument for any fact being a “god,” much less for any first-cause being a god. Those statements are therefore false.

It does not follow, from anything Alvaro has said across this entire debate, that any eternal or necessary fact that may have produced reality is a ‘god’. That the set of conceivable eternal or necessary facts includes gods does not entail or even imply that it only contains gods. Plenty of non-god candidates reside in that set. The expert field of cosmological science is full of them. Whereas no ‘god’ theory has ever passed peer-review there. So the Kalam argument is dead.



[1] Both facts are established in my last entry: Dr. Carrier’s Third Reply to Alvaro.

[2] For example, Maya Lincoln and Avi Wasser, “Spontaneous Creation of the Universe Ex Nihilo,” Physics of the Dark Universe (2013); cited in Note 4 of my First Reply. Also as cited there, the published cosmological models of Krauss and Vilenkin (among others) also invoke uncaused first states. I also repeatedly cited my debate with Marshall and notes therein and among them is the Carroll-Chen model, which also invokes uncaused first states (the spontaneous initiation of reality).

[3] See Note 7 of my Third Reply to Alvaro. See in particular there: Alex Vilenkin in “Before the Big Bang 9” (particularly timestamp 21:07ff.) and Physicists & Philosophers Debunk the Kalam Cosmological Argument (featuring Penrose, Hawking, and Guth, among others) and Physicists and Philosophers Strike Back. And there are a dozen more sources cited there.

[4] See The Multiverse Theory / Michio Kaku at Scientific Thinking, and see the rest of his remarks clipped there in the full interview, Michio Kaku: Future of Humans, Aliens, Space Travel & Physics | Lex Fridman Podcast #45 (start at minute 8). And see The Big Bang Wasn’t the Beginning on Michio Kaku’s own website.

[5] See, again, Note 7 of my Third Reply to Alvaro

[6] Bertrand Russell, The Principles of Mathematics, 2nd ed. (1938), esp. § 3.23 and all of § 5 (e.g. 5.43). This is one of the foundational texts of modern mathematics.

[7] Again, in Note 7 of my Third Reply to Alvaro (and in notes in prior replies as well), I cited numerous professional mathematical textbooks and anthologies establishing this.


Read Dr. Alvaro’s Closing Statement


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