My family has been hit with the need to buy a house six months earlier than our financial plan, because our rental home is being sold. We may have to move within sixty days even. Which means we need cash for closing costs, stat! There are various ways you can help (some you might not have even though of!), so check out the list below.

I’m a veteran, so I can bypass the down payment, but there’s between five and ten grand in other costs, which can only paid with cash. And yes, I am aware of, and attempting, all the tricks to get that down to the lower number, but they don’t always work, as all parties have to agree, including the seller and the bank. We have the five. But we don’t have the ten. And anything over we can use to cover moving costs.

So I need work!

Here are the various jobs I can take:

You can hire me to appear on a show (please first ask its host if they want me on!) or for a private video consult, or to research and blog a specific topic or question (or a critique of a particular video or article; or even book, though that’s more expensive), or to help you with anything else in my skillset (I often consult for hire on patron’s scripts, books, articles, dissertations, and private research projects).

You can even just hire me for month-long asynchronous AMA (ask-me-anything) in Google Groups, where I can answer one short block of questions or followups every day (with weekends off) for $49. Or take one of my online correspondence courses which amounts to the same thing, albeit focused on one topic.

Otherwise, my rate is $150/hour for live hires (public shows or private consults, which you can record) and $100 per 3000 words for an in-depth analysis or $100 per 5000 words for an at-sight analysis. The downside is that I can’t complete all jobs right away. I need to front-load as much cash as possible to get into a new home; then I can complete the projects. So any hire is pay-in-advance, and for written work I can guarantee completion within six months. Although live hires (shows or video consultations) I can complete within thirty days (host willing).

Contact me by email or Facebook Messenger ( if you have questions or want to pitch a project and secure a rate. I’ll appreciate every offer.

And, of course, mere donations are always welcome! You can always find my PayPal window on my How to Help page. Just be sure to let me know it’s a donation so I don’t lose track of what anything incoming is for.


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