Maryam Namazie, a renowned voice for the freethought movement worldwide and our colleague here at Freethought Blogs, has been running an online television news program for audiences interested in, and those engaged in, the long fight for political freedom and justice in Iran. With episodes in English and Persian, it’s a well produced and valuable service, especially to many in Iran, but also across the world. But their equipment is aging and they need to get new stuff. They are short of their June 16 fundraising target. So please see if you can give any little amount you can spare, and spread the word in case others can, too. Namazie’s full explanation (and how to donate, and see the show) is on her blog here. Check it out!


P.S. Some of you may object to Namazie’s politics, as I somewhat do, although they aren’t Soviet, and her video program is about promoting freedom, not Stalinism. I think we can all support that objective, and let Iranians democratically decide how to organize their society as long as basic freedoms are guaranteed. That’s what she wants. And it’s what I want. And it’s what this video program can help make happen. It certainly gives some justified hope and recognition to political dreamers and dissidents in Iran, and to ex-pats the world over who would like one day to go home.


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