Are you a hard core godless activist, or working for or a major supporter of an atheist, secularist, skeptic, feminist, humanist or similar group, program, or organization? Or just a bona fide expert on something and want to share information with the godless community? Then this is an opportunity to promote your group or cause as shamelessly as you want. FTBCon has been very successful multiple times now with its free online conferences for the godless community. They draw an audience from around the world and are a great opportunity for atheists worldwide who can’t afford or aren’t able to attend in-person conferences.
We are looking for proposals for talks or panels. So, if you have a speaker (or speakers) you can arrange to give a presentation, live, to the public worldwide, online (from the comfort of their own home, or wherever), don’t miss out. And we’re interested in all sorts of topics, ranging from the arts to social justice to traditional stuff like philosophy, religion, activism, and more (you can look at past conference schedules to see what I mean).
This time we’ll be running FtBConscience on August 22-24 (2014).
We’ve put up a procedure for submitting proposals. And we would like you or your organization to have the opportunity to get in on the action.
If you come up with an idea for a panel of speakers or solo speaker that you can arrange and make happen, please submit your idea in the manner explained through the link below. You can use a panel or talk to promote your organization or cause as much as you like (we have no problem with your being shameless about it). We will handle most of the tech side of getting it on air (we use Google Hangout, so on your end, just good internet, decent computer, headphones, mike, and webcam are all you need, or rather all your speakers need; all events are broadcast live, and recorded for future viewing as well). We will also work with you for getting it on the schedule and advertised and described on our websites.
We might not be able to accept all proposals. And proposals must meet certain quality and values guidelines to be considered. Deciding what we’ll host is at our discretion. But if you’re serious, share our values, and have a good idea, it can’t hurt to ask.
If you are interested, or want to know more, read the following linked post, courtesy of Miri Mogilevsky…
Hey Richard,
Do you know if there is a way to get in touch with people who are already organizing panels on certain topics?
The reason why is because, while I have a proposal in mind, I currently am in contact with no one to share a panel with, and the link you provided says that solo talks are discouraged.
The proposal in mind would be what constitutes reasonable skepticism vs. hyper skepticism when evaluating ancient historical claims and texts.
Do you know if a group is already working on a panel relating to ancient history/skepticism towards the NT?
I can get you a solo slot. You have more than enough cred for that. Email me about it and I’ll make it happen.
As to whether any panels on this are already being considered, I won’t know for a couple of weeks. But I suspect not (based on past cases, I’m usually the only one focused on that area; the closest others come is counter-apologetics, which is not quite the same thing).