Texas votes Nazi. Sam Harris exposes his sexism. Michael Shermer gets investigated. Richard Dawkins vomits all over the internet. I can’t keep up.

Alas, I have been doing nonstop traveling and events and work-catchup for weeks. I haven’t even been able to get to my comments queue, so I shall soon just be clearing everything to post, probably most without response or very little response, as I have no time. I’m getting caught up on backlogged work in preparation for two events in Canada that I have to travel to later this week. I apologize for the comments delay. I had hoped to find time for it in transit, but alas I couldn’t, and likely won’t (this grueling schedule shall continue for months).

But for those who haven’t been already getting the skinny, all this happened between when I got on an airplane Thursday and landed yesterday…

  • Mainstream textbook publishers have voluntarily started generating Nazi-esque propaganda schoolbooks to win the vote of the Texas board of education. Details here and here. Believe me, it’s way more fucked up than you think. One by McGraw-Hill (yes, McGraw-Hill) says things like the Constitution was inspired by God’s covenant with Moses, and that the Civil War was about states’ rights and not slavery; offerings from other publishers say things like that Africa is populated by “the Negro,” and some races are descendants of Ham. I’m not making this up. It’s a crisis. And hearings on these new history textbooks are going on today. Our own Aron Ra is there.
  • Sam Harris revealed in an interview that he maintains sexist ideas of gender essentialism. Basically he said atheism and skepticism are mostly a guy thing, and aren’t about the “estrogen vibe” (by which he meant, as he himself later confirmed albeit slightly qualified, women are biologically less disposed than men to care about arguments and critical thinking, at least in a publicly aggressive way). And also somehow failed to notice or mention the dozens of outspoken women in atheism and skepticism. And he still doesn’t realize why his views and what he said are sexist (he also doesn’t know how bell curves work). This is the most explicit incidence of this yet. PZ Myers has the full quote in context. Greta Christina has the definitive summary and take-down (update: see also this and this and this, which shows near gender parity in the movement, and proves low female attendance at events has more to do with how they are treated). Dan Fincke does an even more thorough number on him. Harris then attempted a tonedeaf response (which Benson, PZ, and Marcotte then fisked). In which he demonstrates he doesn’t get it. At all.

    (Not only is this an exact repeat of Shermer saying the same stupid thing and not learning from it, but both are basically repeating the same stupid thing Larry Summers said and got pwned for, and which Neil de Grasse Tyson more accurately addressed and I’ve written about before, although in our community, it isn’t style that turns women away, it’s content: they love the critical posture as much as anyone, and they use and admire expressions of public outrage as much as anyone, they just don’t have the narrow-minded elitist obsessions of rich men and thus want to talk about and act on far more things than just the trivia that interests an elect boys’ club. Plus they want to be asked to participate, and they want to be treated decently when they show up.)

  • Michael Shermer’s sexual creepiness and possible rapyness has been reported on by Mark Oppenheimer, a New York Times reporter, for a brief (and somewhat shallow and inaccurate) article for BuzzFeed (“Will Misogyny Bring Down the Atheist Movement“). The only new revelations are the name of the woman that it sure sounds like he raped, and documentation of the fact that he has lied about it repeatedly: depending on who he was talking to at the time, he has variably not admitted to having sex with her and then insisted it was consensual, and to some blamed the incident on his being drunk and not being able to remember, while to others insisting he was sober and totally remembered everything. I don’t see anything that alters my previous assessment (except that now we know the victim’s account matches my Scenario A, which is commonly classified as rape). One other new detail is the witness of Ashley Miller to something else he did, although she has given a much better description of the incident than Oppenheimer.
  • Richard Dawkins then goes into total wagon-circling mode and tries to defend his good friends Harris and Shermer with sometimes disingenuous and (as usual for him) wholly botched use of twitter comments. See his botched attempts to defend Shermer; and his botched attempts to defend Harris, exposing his anti-feminism and contempt for womens’ opinions, although he already revealed that side of himself just a few days before; he also breaks his own condemnation of arguing by petty childish insults and petty-child-insults us for defending women and challenging sexism; for which he got pwned. Now Adam Lee has summarized what’s wrong with all this for The Guardian online.
  • Oh, and as if to make things worse, it has also just been revealed that Shermer is a well-paid good buddy of Dinesh D’Souza, and not only praised his book What’s So Great about Christianity as “the best defense of Christianity that has ever been published” (he said this while introducing him at an arch-conservative libertarian conference, and was glad to see it used as a promotional blurb for D’Souza’s book), but (and this is the new thing) also told a court of law that D’Souza is his personal and admired friend, “the most…forthright and honest” person he’s ever debated and so “unfailingly fair and polite” that he should be excused from any prison sentence for his fraud conviction. Even though D’Souza is a total weasel who was trying to game the political system to favor the rich (or rather, himself, by essentially attempting to buy a member of congress, in direct and intentional violation of federal law).

Meanwhile, fellow blogger and activist Alex Gabriel needs some help surviving a financial crisis, and could use your donations (as patronage to continue employing him for all he does for the movement) or any contract work in editing or graphic design you can send his way, which he is really good at. And though I won’t be there myself, Skepticon is now raising money, as every year, in order to remain the largest free atheist conference in the country (in fact, almost the largest atheist conference, period). It is always the best conference I’ve ever been to, and that’s consistently, as I’ve been to six Skepticons (and a dozen or more others). Give them some support.


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