This is a call for someone to hire! I will be a featured guest speaker for Skeptrack at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA this September (4th-7th, 2015). I’ll give a new and fancier-than-ever talk on ancient technology (“Real Steam Punk”), possibly also be on a panel of some kind, have an hour table & signing slot somewhere on the schedule, and be in the parade dressed with other Famous Skeptics.  I’ll have fuller details in early August and blog then about all that. But it’s the parade I want to get a jump on now: I need a costume!

I am coordinating with Margaret Downey’s team to represent Lucian of Samosata, the Mark Twain of the Second Century, traveling orator of the Roman Empire—and apropos of recent events, a renowned Syrian. And I need a costume. Hopefully a good one. If I can procure it in time, I’d love to debut it a month earlier at the American Atheist’s costume ball in Puerto Rico. That’s the second half of August. Not far away.

I don’t want someone to volunteer to make one for me. I want skill. And I want to pay you. Granted, I’m poor, so I probably can’t pay you what you’d charge the average Joe. So I will admit, a generous rate will be appreciated. But I believe in artists getting paid for their work. So let’s negotiate something!

Do you know any talented costumers who might be keen to do this for me? Send them my way. Are you a talented costumer who might be keen to do this for me? Contact me. With an initial quote. And anything in the way of a portfolio or resume. And roughly where you are located.


  • Lightest possible wool or linen cloth (in September, Atlanta will be as hot as Syria).
  • Roman style short-sleeved and just-under-the-knees belted tunic (linen or light wool).
  • To add an inside joke, the tunic should be indigo (dyed or as if).
  • …with decorative edging (e.g. black and gold embroidery), repeated vertically down center (like here, left).
  • Black bordered white pallium of lightest of wool (i.e. a short toga, like this, esp. left).
  • An Assyrian black felt cap (since I will be representing a famous Syrian from history).
  • …with feather (fake or real, ideally easily removed for replacement or storage)—as worn in this video.

I will procure authentic-ish sandals on my own. Although if you have recommendations as to where to buy good but affordable Roman-style sandals to my size, I welcome the info. I haven’t begun that search yet. Likewise I’ll be looking for a (fake) gold seal ring, as was the fashion. And maybe a scroll prop.

I can take and transmit measurements on a costumer’s instructions. But ideally there should still be a fitting and adjustment. So for whoever I hire, at some point we will have to meet in person, and I assume best would be me visiting you. Either way, planning for that will start as soon as we have a contract and deposit made.


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