Anyone who wants to host me, with bed or couch, for a night or two this September, please let me know! Here’s the skinny…
I’ll be speaking at DragonCon in Atlanta this year (I’ll be there from the 3rd of September through the 7th), and then at PAstahCon in Harrisburg the following weekend. No efficient reason to fly home in between and then all the way back out. So to help them save money for their conference, I had the PA coordinators just fly me from Atlanta to Harrisburg the following Friday (the 11th of September). But that leaves me homeless in Georgia from the night of the 8th (Tuesday) to the night of the 10th (Thursday).
So I’m looking to piece together places to crash those three nights. It doesn’t have to be in Atlanta, if you are willing to come get me (and bring me back). I’m fine even with long drives. If you want to host me, and can anytime in that window, please email me (or message me on FaceBook). And yes, if you want to throw dinner parties with me as your guest, or anything akin, you can do that. As long as it’s informal.
To make my life easier I’m also staying an extra night after PAstahCon, which is in Harrisburg (September 11th through 13th). I have no place yet to crash on the 13th (Sunday night). I fly home later the next day.
So I’m looking for any place to crash that one night. It doesn’t have to be in Harrisburg, if you are willing to come get me (and bring me back). Again, I’m fine even with long drives. If you want to host me, and can that night, please email me (or message me on FaceBook). And yes, if you want to throw a dinner party with me as your guest, or anything akin, you can do that, too.
Please get in touch!
You will be helping me and the PAstahCon coordinators a bunch.
Hello, I’ve been reading old exchanges with Barnes and wonder whether you ever responded to this:
No, not yet. Low priority. They both misunderstand various things. But that will take time to explain.
Just out of curiosity, do you ever plan on responding in greater detail to your Christian critics? I was reading Steve Hays response to your chapter on the spiritual resurrection and the tomb legend in This Joyful Eastertide and it was quite the critique. Do you ever plan on responding to that? Then there’s the Infidel Delusion. I saw your response to that one on this blog but I have yet to see you respond in detail to the criticisms of your chapter on the resurrection. Do you ever plan on responding and showing us what a first-rate historian you are?
You know what I would love to see? I would love to see you and Hays debate the historicity of Jesus or you debate Jason Engwer on the historicity of the resurrection. But I don’t expect you to have any interest. That’s too bad, too. They’re the best Christian apologists on the net and you’re the best secular historian alive in America. I would’ve thought that you would give anything to show these apologists that they’re full of hot air.
Those are fantastically lame.
Do you really need to be walked through how lousy those responses are?
Because, honestly, my chapters in The Empty Tomb and The Christian Delusion already refutes them (with a bonus in The End of Christianity). And that’s the sign of a terrible critique: when your arguments are already refuted by the material you claim to be rebutting. No further response is needed: just read the original material. And compare.
Hey Richard, wondering if you saw this:
No, I had not (there are hundreds of things like this online). But thanks!
As is so often the case, my book already refutes their argument. They just don’t quote or address those refutations. So I’m content to let people just read my book for the rebuttal.
Of course I am serious. There are a number of people who think you do not respond to your critics because you cannot. What better way to show people that you really do have better arguments. So yes I do have to be walked through to be shown how lousy the responses are. Maybe you can write some essays. If not, you have only yourself to blame if people think you are too scared to answer anyone.
Schoolyard taunts are for children.
I am only interested in the judgment of adults.