I’ll be speaking on the historicity of Jesus in Toronto next month, on Friday, October 23 (2015), at 7:30pm, at the University of Toronto (252 Bloor Sreet West) in the OISE Auditorium (Ground Floor). Sponsored by CFI Canada. Details here. Tickets here. Non-members: $15. I may be around a few days before that for other things. Stay tuned!
About the Author

Richard Carrier is the author of many books and numerous articles online and in print. His avid readers span the world from Hong Kong to Poland. With a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University, he specializes in the modern philosophy of naturalism and humanism, and the origins of Christianity and the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, with particular expertise in ancient philosophy, science and technology. He is also a noted defender of scientific and moral realism, Bayesian reasoning, and historical methods.
Any chance of coming to the East Coast of Canada (like Halifax)?
I’d love to! But haven’t found any group out there who can fund a trip yet.
“Center For Inquiry Halifax” is always looking for speakers: http://centreforinquiry.ca/welcome-to-cfi-halifax/
It would be a bit of a drive for me because I’m about 4 hours out of Halifax, but I would definitely love to hear you speak.
The barrier is airfare. Rough estimate, $600. Plus my honorarium of $300. Room can be a volunteer’s guest bed or something, so that cost can be kept down. But that’s still almost $1000 to bring me out there. If we added local puddle jumps to the travel cost and I did several venues in Eastern Canada, my honorarium drops to $200 per venue, and the airfare can be split, so the cost could perhaps be cut a little, maybe to around $500-750 per venue, I’m not sure. But someone would have to organize that tour.
This is not beyond the realm of possibility. But it’s a chore. And there would have to be sufficient interest among groups up there that they would cover the cost.
I’ll add it to my speculative list of things to try and make happen. But usually it requires the orgs out there to take the initiative, and ask me how we can make it happen.
Hi Richard,
Will you be just in Toronto or anywhere near Ottawa or Montreal in that timeframe?
Richard Martin
Just Toronto this time, unfortunately. I wanted to do more but we couldn’t pull a tour together.