I made an error in the use of data yesterday. Sincere apologies to Thunderf00t. And kudos to his fans who finally sussed it out. My post has been revised, with all substantive corrections and additions made clear within the text. The background section is unaffected and unaltered. The sinking ship section revised in key places with a new graph added. The conclusion slightly reworded to reflect that.
Thunderf00t still did 70% of everything I caught him doing. And the remaining 30% he was still manipulating, just not in the way I originally noticed. My conclusions are not greatly affected. But somewhat.
The principal change-of-state is that what I actually showed is that my blog is not a sinking ship. And what Thunderf00t actually showed was our network just returning to level, due to offboarded bloggers last year. When we add new bloggers this year, we may see another swell.
The narrative changes slightly in result. In particular, Thunderf00t saw the highpoints of three years (2012 through 2014) cut in half in 2015. His “falling ship” narrative thus stemmed from that. It’s just that that’s actually just a return to where things were in 2011. We shall see whether we stay level here on out, or catch another swell.
But still no sinking ship.
A man who publicly corrects errors is a man whose work I will continue to read.
HAHAHA. Carrier, you shoulda been a professional spin doctor. Or better yet, FTB’s own personal Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf.
For my readers:
This JohnGreg is this guy.
Just FYI.
Basically a dip recently from Ed and Ophelia both leaving with fairly high volume blogs?
When we add new bloggers next year…
No new faces at FtB until 2017???
Ha! Good catch. Of course, I meant this year! I’ll revise.
Not only have I forgotten the new year started, I keep forgetting in conversations I’m a year older as well.
Keep doing what you do and please ignore the haters. It’s just noise.
LOL, keep checking, he might be 50% correct in your next post you pathetic dweeb.
Anyone who uses the word “dweeb” in this context doesn’t strike me as particularly mature. You might want to class up your trolling efforts.
Hello Dr. Carrier!
So I recently came across this video series made by our (not so friendly) youtube apologist “Inspiring” Philosophy. It gives arguments for the reliability of the NT and I think it deserves a thorough annihilation. It would be awesome if you could maybe write a blog post about it!
Link to playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TW70EEo4e2onJ4lq1QYSzrY
Well, to be honest, I generally don’t have enough lifetimes for those requests. There are thousands of vids like that. I don’t usually bother with vids anyway. Copy-and-paste-able written posts with references I far prefer. And even then I have time to bother with only a few. And even then only when they aren’t already effectively rebutted by articles and standard references already widely available.
Apparently they’re lot are still going on about this, with some new graph with an oh-so-cleverly photoshopped picture of a boat sinking.
Also be aware they’re trying to accuse you of dishonestly claiming Sheffield University published On the History (as opposed to Sheffield-Phoenix, or something)
(with “evidence” including a block of unsourced black on white text that’s supposedly someone from the university confirming the claim and saying they’ll be telling You to cease and desist)
Just so you know the libel is out there. They’re apparently trying to convince anyone they can think of of this. Hemant Mehta, Bart Ehrmann… I could only bear reading those forums for so long (slime pit or something?)
I’m aware. And yes, this is part of continuing Slymepit harassment. To head off any chance of their continued confusion, I have revised all my references to being published “by” Sheffield University to being published “at” Sheffield University, since the matter concerns the triviality of bylaws and administrative control. Sheffield-Phoenix Press is located in Sheffield University campus facilities and run by members of the Sheffield University faculty. And is of course a fully peer reviewed academic press. It just isn’t under the control of the non-faculty administration. All of which is obvious. And of course has no bearing on anything of relevance.
Richard said:
Ohh; ooh! Richard, you so tough guy. Spare me nails; I am so evil!
Jeebles, what a doofus and a total joke you are become. Wheee! Your continued ignorance of usage of such elements of English as metaphor, allusion, sarcasm, irony, et al. are profound Doc, profound. But that’s OK; just write another 10,000 words on that which you don’t understand and I’m sure all your avid readers spanning the world from Hong Kong to Poland will be thrilled.
A classic troll collapse into raspberries and blather.
Thank you for confirming that to my audience. That was most helpful.